Cayden Cailean Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Cayden Cailean

Don’t let rules get in the way of enjoying what is truly good in life. —Placard of Wisdom

The Accidental God, the Drunken Hero, the Lucky Drunk

Cayden Cailean is one of the Ascended, a mortal human who became a god after passing the grueling tests of the magical Starstone. Three days after entering the Starstone Cathedral on a drunken dare, the good-natured sellsword emerged a living god, baffled and amused. His behavior changed little after his ascension: he continued to fight for just causes, sample various drinks, and avoid things he didn’t want to do. Thus, Cayden Cailean became the patron of brave souls, alcoholic spirits, and the freedom to choose your own path in life. He expects his followers to be brave in the face of danger, though there is no shame in necessary retreat—he’s the god of bravery, not reckless stupidity. Although many assume his faithful will accept any dare, the god’s focus on freedom keeps his heroes from being manipulated so easily, and even the dullest hero of Cayden Cailean has the sense not to accept an impossible or suicidal challenge—though it is not uncommon to accept a risky one after a swig or two of “liquid courage.”
Cayden Cailean is outgoing, friendly, boisterous, unashamed, and flirtatious, even more so when he indulges in fermented delights. He loves good-spirited toasts, friendly bar brawls, bawdy songs, and standing up for the underdog. He loathes slavery, meanspiritedness, bullying, those who try to prohibit alcohol, and restrictive laws and customs. He believes that everyone would get along better if they could all just sit down and have a drink, preferably in the company of attractive companions. A former mercenary, he believes in fair pay for a job well done, whether in coin, drink, or a tumble in the hay with an enthusiastic paramour.
Cayden Cailean’s direct intervention in the mortal world isn’t frequent, but he has been known to prevent a keg from emptying (often to help good folk survive a siege or convince them to congregate a little longer in a place of safety) or to push someone especially meek to show courage at a key moment. Having had his share of hard times as a mortal, he’s not above helping someone for free now and then, or leaving an extra-generous tip for someone in need. This simple and welcoming philosophy makes him popular with adventurers, philanthropists, revelers, and those who fight for good, and it is traditional among his adherents to toast his name with the first drink of the evening.
When Cayden Cailean appears to his followers, he usually looks much as he did in life: an average-looking bronze-skinned human with a tankard in one hand, often wearing chainmail. In grander art, he is sometimes shown fending off a swarm of devils with his well-worn rapier, all while holding his tankard high. Some artists portray the Drunken Hero with broken shackles hanging loosely from his wrists or fallen at his feet, representing breaking free of mortal concerns— though in areas where his faith has brought freedom from oppression or slavery, the shackles have a more literal interpretation.
Cayden Cailean is the only major god who uses a surname. In his early years as a god, he insisted that his last name be included in all forms of address, an unusual habit for someone normally so relaxed about formalities. The prevalent opinions on the matter are that he wished to distance himself from another mortal named Cayden (perhaps someone of evil intent) or to honor his parents, said to have died when he was young. This second theory is corroborated by his interest in sponsoring orphanages, perhaps as a thank-you to the long-gone orphanage that raised him. He ignores questions about the matter, insisting that it was decided long ago and there are more important things to talk about.
Cayden has no formal churches or structured clergy, but simple shrines to him appear in almost every tavern and roadside inn. Many of his priests own such businesses and offer healing to patrons, some of whom may have been injured during a drunken brawl. While Cayden’s faith is a charitable one, Caydenites still seek payment for such services—at the very least, the injured party is expected to purchase a round of drinks for the house. Only in places where worshippers of the Accidental God are in direct opposition to the local powers, such as where a rebellion is forming under a tyrant’s nose, is his church out of the public eye. Caydenites can bring themselves to be quiet in the face of oppression only for so long, however, and once a rebellion reaches full bloom, the god’s silver tankard is often proudly displayed across every bar.
As a mortal, Cayden often found himself at odds with the work he was hired to perform and abandoned jobs that went against his conscience. This gave him a reputation for being unreliable among his more unscrupulous employers, but it garnered significant respect from clients with stronger morals. Legends tell of him taking contracts to free entire crews of slaves, undoing the operations of predatory business owners, and other rebellious deeds for the good of the common folk. His worshippers often involve themselves in similar matters: safeguarding the freedom and prosperity of working-class people, overthrowing tyrants, and helping the oppressed relocate to freer lands. His champions, in particular, embed themselves in nations with harsh laws and stir up rebellions—often from the back room of a tavern.
Members of Cayden’s faith also maintain many orphanages in urban areas, arranging them to receive funding from local pubs and other Cayden-friendly establishments. Not much is known about Cayden’s childhood as a mortal, but given his patronage of such houses, many have inferred that he spent at least some time in an orphanage when he was young. While the children in such orphanages are not expressly raised in the faith, most adopt the god’s teachings when they grow old enough to leave. These individuals often take the surname Cailean to honor him, adding to the number of gregarious rebels in the world.
While the consumption of alcohol is central to most of Cayden’s worship, drinking to excess and dependency on drink are seen as misuse of the Accidental God’s gifts. Clergy who develop such an addiction are encouraged by their community to take a large role in the faith’s other works, such as maintaining orphanages or supporting rebel efforts, and those who recover often work to assist others with their own recovery from alcoholism. Though being the god of alcohol is a popular aspect of Cayden Cailean, members of his faith often find personal freedom and rejection of tyranny just as appealing as a strong drink, and it is not uncommon for teetotalers to number among Cayden’s followers.
Cayden is not particular about who worships him, so long as they abide by the simple expectations of freedom, bravery, and enjoying a good drink. As such, he has followers from almost all ancestries. A good number of his worshippers are half-orcs, who find the casual tenets and welcoming nature of the faith to be a good fit for those who have been ostracized from more stringent communities. His followers are typically good natured, boisterous, and optimistic. Life simply holds too much to take in for anyone to spend it gloomy. Many adventurers find Cayden’s tenets to be a natural fit, taking jobs when they can and bucking cruelty wherever they find it.

Relations with Other Religions

Cayden doesn’t go out of his way to provoke fights with other godly beings, but isn’t afraid to take a few swings if challenged. He avoids evil deities unless they directly cause trouble, at which point he is all battle cries and heroic charges and inspiring speeches followed by lightning-quick cuts of his blade. The exception to this is Asmodeus, who is the antithesis of Cayden, and the Drunken Hero rarely passes up a chance to tweak the devil’s nose.
He is on good terms with Desna, Sarenrae, and especially Shelyn (whom he delights in serenading). He enjoys swapping brews with Torag. Erastil is a little too somber and dutiful for Cayden’s tastes, Irori too stuffy, and Abadar tolerable but too forgiving of oppression in the name of progress. Iomedae has little patience for what she sees as Cayden’s poor discipline and shirking of responsibility. He occasionally trysts with Calistria but remains wary of her; on more than one bitter occasion, the beautiful goddess of lust has gotten the best of him, and those who imply that Cayden only took the Test of the Starstone in an attempt to impress Calistria quickly find themselves on his bad side. 
While many other faiths recognize Cayden Cailean’s worshippers as a force for good, many of the lawful gods are leery of his faith’s destabilizing influence, as it encourages people to shirk responsibilities. Still, most folks are happy to share a drink with a Caydenite, and even happier to have one on their side in a fight.

Planar Allies

A number of rowdy azatas that attend the revels in Cayden Cailean’s realm can often be convinced to aid his followers, and in addition to Cayden Cailean’s servitor race, the ataxians, the following beings also serve the god of freedom and only answer planar ally and similar calling spells from his faithful.
Little Thunder: This Large celestial cayhound is a favored son of Cayden Cailean’s pet mastiff, Thunder. He speaks in a great booming voice, is quick to laugh, has a bawdy sense of humor, and is fond of strong beer. Once per day, he can growl at his maximum volume, equivalent to a shout spell. Like his father, he welcomes battle, but if innocents are in danger, he strives to move them to safety first. He prefers kegs of ale or wine or even potions as payment for his services, as he has difficulty using other items.
Luthier, the Knight of the Vineyard: This man looks more like a fat minstrel than a knight, dressed in colorful leathers and carrying a mandolin and rapier. He also appears to be quite drunk, swaying with every step, mumbling half of his words, and frequently dropping his sword or instrument. Despite his appearance, he is a fearsome enemy of evil and cruelty, snapping to attention when the scent of blood is in the air, then dancing across the battlefield with acrobatic grace. His leather armor is as hard as steel, his mandolin produces notes as clear as church bells, and his hands are as fast and dexterous as those of any pickpocket. Luthier loves fine wine and fine food, and those wishing to bargain for his services should have both on hand for the discussion.
Thais: This five-winged angelic woman serves as Cayden Cailean’s herald. She is always portrayed carrying her signature weapon, a crystalline halberd called Tyranny’s Foil borrowed from Milani’s armory. She is usually sent to aid or protect Cayden Cailean’s faithful, but might appear any place where slaves struggle against oppression, valiant rebels fight for freedom, the desperate and afraid need hope and courage, or a hero needs just a little luck to further some great cause. When not at Cayden Cailean’s side, Thais spends time on the Material Plane, often in the guise of her former human form. She frequently takes mortal lovers of both sexes, and is even rumored to have had relationships over the years with Aroden, Calistria, and Nethys, as well as scores of lesser deities. She is a sworn enemy of Asmodeus, however, as his portfolios of tyranny and slavery are in direct opposition to her embodied philosophy, and once even faced the Prince of Darkness himself. She suffered a humiliating defeat at his hands, narrowly escaping only by sacrificing one of her wings. That wing, representing freedom from oppression, remains within Asmodeus’s hellish trophy room, leaving Thais with only five wings.
Valon, the Spirit of Spirits: This ghostlike creature is the friendly soul of a priest whose body was utterly destroyed long ago in a battle with evil. Knowledgeable in esoteric histories and obscure lore, he often held that beer was the greatest of any race’s inventions. While he can manifest as an incorporeal creature, he prefers to possess the body of a willing humanoid (typically the cleric who calls him) as he misses the sensations of life, and he has been known to drink and carouse if the opportunity presents itself. If the cause is right, he is willing to serve in exchange for “a night on the town” in a borrowed body.

Holy Books & Codes

Cayden rarely spent enough time in one place to read a book, let alone write one, and he prefers to keep his message simple.
Placard of Wisdom: This simple document condenses Cayden’s divine philosophy into a few short phrases suitable for hanging on the wall. Though the specific wording may vary from city to city or even tavern to tavern, the general message is “do good, enjoy life, have a drink now and then, and stand up for what you believe in”—easy words of common sense that appeal to all. In areas more focused on abolitionism, worshippers may add lines to that effect, and it’s not uncommon for philosopher-priests to add a few comments of their own, as Cayden himself doesn’t seem to mind.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cayden’s holy symbol is a tankard of ale, with or without a rich head of foam on it. He is called the Drunken Hero, the Lucky Drunk, and many other affectionate nicknames. He’s amused rather than offended by those who use his name as part of colorful oaths, and thus many of his clergy can be creative and prolific in their swearing.

Tenets of Faith

The Drunken Hero attracts more than his fair share of adventurers and glory-seekers. A follower of Cayden Cailean is generally a happy and companionable traveler, looking to right wrongs and explore the world at her own discretion. Caydenites leave it to others to bear the burden of grim and tortured personas; for a follower of the Drunken Hero, the world is too big and life is too short and sweet to waste any time whining about it. This is not to say that Caydenite adventurers don’t have a keen sense of justice. If one is stout enough to be an adventurer and serious about one’s faith, one doesn’t turn their back on the poor and oppressed—Cayden’s faithful just do the job, show them how to take care of themselves, and then get back to the serious business of enjoying life.
As the god of wine, Cayden’s interest is in the merriment and socialization alcohol can facilitate rather than attempting to drown or forget sorrows, and he despises mean drunks or those who allow their drunkenness to hurt innocents. He has been known to inspire tipsy revelers to confess secrets better aired than left to fester, and he encourages his worshippers to push each other to greatness via friendly dares. A “Cayden’s dare” is any foolish-seeming thing that turns out to have beneficial consequences, and at Caydenite weddings, it’s common to tell jokes and stories explaining how the bride or groom is only present because of a drunken dare (especially if they’re true).
Although his other divine concerns are flexible in interpretation, Cayden is as hard as nails when it comes to a person’s right to freedom. Coupled with his love of drink, his refusal in his mortal days to go against his own beliefs for the sake of mere coin gave him a somewhat unreliable reputation. He believes there is no justice in a law that oppresses one person to benefit another, and over the centuries he has worked to counter slavery and the plots of deities who see human misery as a fair price to pay in pursuit of their goals. In places where the peasantry suffers from harsh taxes or demoralizing practices, he helps them topple their oppressors or at least aids them in escaping to more friendly lands. Though often seen as a god of righteous rebellion, he doesn’t believe in vengeance or coups for their own sake, and is not a god of destructive chaos or madcap frivolity—his followers must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
Those who go against Cayden’s simple tenets may find themselves ill the next time they drink, intoxicated when clarity is needed, or frightened by common animals or shadows. When he is happy, drinks are more delicious, the night air feels brisker and smells sweeter, and courage burns white-hot. An unexpected windfall of alcohol is a common sign of favor, yet can just as easily turn to vinegar or sewage in the mouths of the unworthy.


The church believes that every day is a good reason to celebrate—life, good friends, good wine, and so on— and thus only acknowledge a few holidays that merit extra festivities.
Ascension Day: The actual date of Cayden’s transformation from mortal to god is irrelevant even to him, but the church celebrates this event on 11 Kuthona with a toast of thanks to him for his gifts. Typically this is a hot alcoholic beverage with a sweet bread pastry of some kind.
First Brewing: After the first harvest, a small amount is set aside to create ale, wine, or stronger drink. When this is ready for tasting, the community comes together to sample the first brewing of the year and toast Cayden’s name. Because of local variables in the date of the harvest and different brewing times, this holiday has no set date but is normally about 1 month after harvest-time.
Merrymead: Started in Druma, this holiday on 2 Calistril is about sharing the last of the previous year’s mead with the community, and is celebrated through either sharing stories and drinks around a fire or—especially for the less pious—extensive pub crawls.


Cayden Cailean

ascended brother (Trivial)

Towards Norgorber




ascended brother (Trivial)

Towards Cayden Cailean



Cayden Cailean

ascended brother

Towards Iomedae




ascended sister

Towards Cayden Cailean



Cayden Cailean

enemy (Important)

Towards Asmodeus




enemy (Trivial)

Towards Cayden Cailean



Cayden Cailean

hopeful lover-to-be (Important)

Towards Shelyn




friend (Important)

Towards Cayden Cailean



Cayden Cailean

intermittent lover (Important)

Towards Calistria




intermittent lover (Important)

Towards Cayden Cailean



Cayden Cailean

divine patron

Towards Kurgess



divine protégé

Towards Cayden Cailean


drink, free slaves and aid the oppressed, seek glory and adventure
waste alcohol, be mean or standoffish when drunk, own a slave
Areas of Concern
ale, bravery, freedom, and wine
Divine Classification
Deity (Ascended)
Year of Birth
2765 AR 1955 Years old
Calistria (intermittent lover)
Norgorber (ascended brother)
Iomedae (ascended sister)
Kurgess (divine protégé)
Ruled Locations
Asmodeus, Norgorber
inns, taverns, and orphanages
adventurers, bartenders, orphans, rebels
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
silver and tan
Favored Weapon
cities, freedom, indulgence, might
Divine Ability
Constitution or Charisma
Divine Font
Divine Skill


Caydenites are an expressive lot, and followers from different regions all have their own local sayings and oaths. As many worshipers of Cayden Cailean are quick to swear, they often do so by their god’s name. While many such oaths are ribald and improvised on the spot—both things Cayden appreciates—a few sayings are common.
I’m great, but not so great as Cayden Cailean: A means to turn down challenges or contests that have gone too far—this phrase traditionally follows one of the competitors suggesting another take the Test of the Starstone. This dare and response allow both parties to end contests that have gotten too heated without shame, usually with the refusing party buying a round for everyone involved.
May your life be as free as your taps: A popular line to end a toast or use as a fond farewell. It expresses Cayden’s belief that both people and drink should be unfettered. It is frequently used as a slogan among rebels.
In Cayden’s name: Flowery speeches are for bards, yet common warriors sometimes still need a poignant turn of phrase, either to exclaim in the heat of battle or offer in honor of the dead. Before combat it is said as a toast, followed by a healthy swallow of Cayden’s brew. It is also used to seal oaths between comrades in arms, generally also followed by a healthy swallow of Cayden’s brew.
Sweet barleybrew!: Usually uttered in surprise or amazement—whether at the sight of an approaching army, a taste of the brewmaster’s best, or a peek at a barmaid’s treasures—this exclamation can also call out unpleasant things, such as the face of an orc, the taste of beer gone bad, or the imminent arrival of the barmaid’s father.
By the light of the Starstone: Used both as an oath (on the rare times his followers swear serious oaths) and a declaration of something so profound that saying “Sweet barleybrew!” proves insufficient, this phrase is used even though most people have no idea what the Starstone looks like or if it actually gives off light.


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