Damaq Palace Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Damaq Palace

Whereas other nobles and aristocrats might refer to their ancestral homes as palaces, for House Damaq, the claim has the advantage of being backed up by enough money to rival the budget of several actual palaces throughout Golarion. While Damaq Palace isn’t nearly as large or looming as many of Absalom’s more eyecatching structures, none forget their first view of this extravagant display of what vast wealth can accomplish. The Damaqs frequently change up the decor of the building’s facade, or even use their deep pocketbooks to rebuild, expand, or fundamentally transform features of the palace as architectural styles change. Not much has changed in recent decades, with no significant updates or revisions taking place since the advent of the Age of Lost Omens. Some of the city’s aristocracy whisper that the last few generations of the family have kept the palace static out of mourning for Aroden’s death, while others wonder if this isn’t an outward symptom of something more material—perhaps an indication that the Damaq wallets are finally starting to run dry? Scion Lord Kerkis has, of course, heard these rumors and dozens more, but he doesn’t let them bother him nor does he validate them by even acknowledging their existence. Yet still, the whispers persist.
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