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Statue of Primarch Harvi

The equestrian statue of this late Age of Enthronement Primarch is one of the most famous and recognizable works of public art in all of Absalom. Sadly, this is primarily because it’s one of the ugliest. The valiant primarch and hero of the Red Siege of 4499 AR looks decidedly constipated as he sits upon his mighty charger, the statue’s stiff lines suggesting intestinal discomfort more than martial valor.
For years, the Conclave of Flowers has debated tearing down the statue, or at least moving it somewhere where it doesn’t offend the eyes of every artistically-sensitive soul in the district. These discussions fall apart on the question of what should replace the statue. The Optimates have advanced the idea of putting up a statue to Lord Gyr and his adventuring comrades—including, of course, Lord Avid of House Arnsen. The Citizens’ League prefers a monument commemorating the soldiers of Absalom’s many sieges. The New Absalom faction has used the opportunity to attempt to woo the Vault of Abadar to their side, by proposing a statue dedicated to the god of cities. Threats and promises concerning the statue fly like sparrows in the Conclave, as whichever side wins gets a visible sign of its power in the heart of the Petal District.
Monument / Statue, Large
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