Westgate Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Citizens of Absalom often say that Westgate, whose residents affectionately refer to it as “Bestgate,” is stuck in the Mithral Age. The people of Westgate won’t deny that. The Mithral Age was an age of wonders and boasted some of Absalom’s most important heroes, organizations, and policies. The great hero, Lady Kayle of Taldor, defeated the dragon Maejerx Steeleye in the Mithral Age. The Mithral Age was the first time slavery was abolished in the city—never mind that it’s also when slavery was first introduced. Iomedae ascended to godhood in the Mithral Age; the Pathfinder Society was formed in the Mithral Age. Being stuck in the Mithral Age is a badge of honor that Westgaters wear with pride. It’s why the Sally Guard still wears the uniforms the First Guard of Absalom adopted in 4478 AR. Likewise, hunting lodges litter the district, due to the “Golden Age of Lodges” during the Mithral Age.
Westgate may not be as wealthy as the Petal and Ivy Districts, but despite that, some of Absalom’s oldest families dwell here. The traditional and conservative nature of the district has drawn more and more people just coming into their wealth or their twilight years, and Westgate is rapidly growing. District residents say, with not a little bit of pride, that the district has grown so much that a second sewer was installed. The further west and north into the district, the more businesses give way to residential areas that grow in wealth and size as they get closer to the western wall and the Ivy District—and farther from the Foreign Quarter and Puddles District.
The eastern side of Westgate, near the Foreign Quarter, is littered with small businesses and restaurants. Most are a strange mirror to those found in Eastgate—or “Leastgate,” as Westgaters often call it. Marketing themselves as the real experience, most businesses strive to outperform their Eastgate counterparts. Vudrani and Keleshite cuisine and goods are extremely common in Westgate, largely due to the district’s large populations of both peoples. This has produced an entirely unique subculture that incorporates elements of Absalom traditionalists alongside Vudrani and Keleshite cultures. Likewise, sharing its eastern edge with the poorer Foreign Quarter provides a large variety of goods and foods from around the world, making Westgate one of the most diverse districts in Absalom outside of the Foreign Quarter, despite its conservative nature.
Westgate is largely urban, and the few parks and areas of greenery in the district don’t compare to the druid-kept parks of Eastgate, much to the chagrin of Westgaters. As such, Westgate politicians have begun calling for the greening of the district—for environmental reasons, of course. They’ve also begun putting forth calls for a city-wide ban on druids contributing to the upkeep of city property, complaining that such caretakers are not overseen by the Grand Council or guilds, and protesting the unregulated creation of leshys within the city’s jurisdiction. Westgate politicians have also begun mentoring up-and-coming activists, taking leaders from poorer communities under their wing and promising younger politicians help and advancement of their own initiatives—particularly cleaning up and raising the portions of the Puddles that are slowly claiming the southern reaches of Westgate—in exchange for their support.
The district patrol, named the Sally Guard for the western Sally Port gate into Absalom, is extremely well funded, and can be seen almost everywhere due to their numerous patrols. This has given the Sally Guard a reputation for being the fastest-responding guard in Absalom. Between the patrols, the well-lit streets, and the nature of the residents, Westgate is one of the city’s safest districts. When patrolling outside the city walls, the Sally Guard is known as the Kortos Cavalry due to their role as one of Absalom’s only mounted units in wartime. Sally Guard commander Lord Winton of House Nimz has petitioned for the right to be called the Kortos Cavalry at all times, as he and much of the guard bristle at being thought of as mere guards. The traditionalist nature of the district and its leaders, ironically, has meant every petition has failed.

Crime Report

Westgate justly prides itself as the safest district in Absalom, thanks in no small part to the frequent patrols of somewhat bored-looking Sally Guards. Entitled residents constantly call for the watch at the slightest provocation, especially when confronted with alleged criminals visiting from other parts of the city. Criminal groups active in the district include the Bloody Barbers and the Crowsworn.


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