Osirionx Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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One of the oldest continuous human civilizations in the Inner Sea region, Osirion is steeped in the legacy of its past. Though the era of Ancient Osirion is long gone, and the magical god-kings who once commanded armies of bound outsiders have been laid to rest in treasure-filled tombs across the nation, its legends continue to inspire and influence its modern incarnation. Not even millennia of Keleshite occupation could quash the traditions and stories of the Garundi. Since throwing off their colonial shackles in 4609 AR, Osirion has overflowed with patriotic pride and a renewed connection to the lost pharaohs through the guidance of the powerful Khemet dynasty.
Osirion’s settlements have always relied on the annual flooding of its rivers, bringing life and nutrients to otherwise pitiless desert sands. Located at the mouth of the River Sphinx, the nation’s capital, Sothis, is the center of trade in the region. Its sprawling districts spread out from the Black Dome—the shell of dread Ulunat, a beetle-like Spawn of Rovagug slain by the nation’s first pharaoh. Upriver the Pharasmin necropolis city of Wati joins Tephu, City of the Reed People, and An, City of Triangles, at the swampy merging of the Crook and Asp Rivers. All are protected by the militia at Ipeq, a bastion constructed by enslaved djinn and efreet and equipped with a fleet of magical scorpion boats. A few oasis cities such as Eto and Shiman-Sekh manage to survive along trade routes in the desert. Even here the touch of ancient magic can be felt in the lotus-shaped pools of the Golden Oasis and the black glass labyrinth recently discovered beneath Shiman-Sekh, sealed by multiple pharaohs and said to contain something called the “Seraph of Destruction.”
Despite the nation’s bustling industries and magical and military might, Osirians are constantly reminded that they live in the shadow of their former glory, and Osirion’s landscape is thick with the ruins of the past. Here, the Slave Trenches of Hakotep, recently revealed to be a vast elemental engine. There, the ruins of Tumen, Osirion’s former capital, buried by sandstorms after the death of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension. For every known site of legend, a dozen more lie undiscovered. Upon taking the throne, the Ruby Prince, Khemet III, briefly invited foreign scholars and archaeologists to explore these sites, advancing his goal of raising Osirion’s profile while learning more of the secrets behind the ancients’ miracles. But after both the disastrous return of the Sky Pharaoh a few years ago and uncovering the secret machinations of the Night Heralds hidden among the area’s sites, the prince has attempted to restrict access once more, succeeding only in driving the thriving tomb-robbing business underground. The elites of other nations now have developed a desire for Osirian relics. For those bold enough to face trap-filled corridors, undead guardians, and ravenous monsters, the threat of government punishment does little to keep them from launching expeditions in search of priceless artifacts. And if in the process they end up releasing horrors that prey upon the surrounding cities-well, that just means more work for anyone with a sword or a spellbook.
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