Golarion History of Galt Timeline
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History of Galt

  • 115 AR

    The province of Galt is established

    The province of Galt is established.

    Additional timelines
  • 4081 AR

    4091 AR

    The Even-Tongued Conquest
    Military: War

    The Taldan governor in charge of Cheliax, taking advantage of Taldor’s focus on its Qadiran border, declares the province independent from the empire and places himself upon the newly created Chelish throne as Aspex the Even-Tongued. Andoran, Galt, and Isger are annexed as part of Cheliax in the following years. This decade-long power grab becomes known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, and greatly undermines Taldan influence throughout western Avistan. Lastwall declares neutrality in the conflict, effectively becoming an independent nation.

  • 4667 AR

    The Red Revolution

    Galt rises up against Chelish rule, resulting in the Red Revolution. Many nobles flee into Taldor with little but their titles, creating an underclass of penniless nobles in the north.