Golarion History of Taldor Timeline
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History of Taldor

  • 1281 -AR

    Taldor founded

    General Taldaris of Oppara conquers the scattered city-states along the Inner Sea, unites them to form Taldor, and becomes its first emperor.

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  • 632 -AR

    The Tarrasque destroys Oppara
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tarrasque tears open the Porthmos Gap and destroys Oppara.

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  • 78 -AR

    Keleshite troops invade the region surrounding Katheer
    Military: War

    Keleshite troops invade the region surrounding Katheer, acting without the permission of Kelesh’s leaders. Their campaign of conquest includes Taldor’s southern territories along the Pashman River.

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  • 43 -AR

    The Keleshite Empire incorporates Qadira
    Political event

    The Padishah Empire of Kelesh halts its southern conquests at the River Ladan. Padishah Emperor Adalan IV formally establishes the satrapy of Qadira and places it under the rule of the satrap Cerush.

    Ladan River
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  • 4 -AR

    Battle of Urfa
    Military: Battle

    Qadira’s and Taldor’s borders expand to overlap one another, causing the first border skirmish between the two empires: the Battle of Urfa near White Pass.

    White Pass
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  • 1 AR

    1 Abadius

    Absalom founded

    Aroden raises the Starstone, forming the Isle of Kortos and founding Absalom.

  • 37 AR

    Taldor charts the Sellen River north to Sevenarches

    Taldor’s First Army of Exploration, led by General Porthmos, destroys the druidic Goroth Lodge in the Verduran Forest and charts the Sellen River north to Sevenarches.

    Sellen River
  • 115 AR

    The province of Galt is established

    The province of Galt is established.

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  • 499 AR

    Taldor explores Ustalav

    The Second Army of Exploration pushes north and west from Lake Encarthan, exploring Ustalav.

    Lake Encarthan
  • 1520 AR

    Corentyn founded

    Taldor’s Third Army of Exploration, led by General Coren, conquers the northern shore of the Inner Sea, founding Corentyn at its farthest edge. Coren also secures the western tip of Avistan and the neck of the Inner Sea for Taldor.

  • 1531 AR

    Qadiran troops conquer Gurat and skirmish with the Taldans
    Military: Skirmish

    Qadiran troops conquer Gurat and skirmish with the Taldans.

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  • 1553 AR

    Urian Peace begins
    Diplomatic action

    Grand Prince Urios III and Satrap Xerbystes I sign a formal peace agreement between their nations. The period of nonaggression known as the Urian Peace begins.

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  • 1683 AR

    Taldor explores future Andoran and Isger

    The Fourth Army of Exploration maps and claims areas that later become the provinces of Andoran and Isger.

  • 1707 AR

    Andoran founded

    Andoran is officially founded as a province of Taldor when General Khastalus of Corentyn clears much of the Arthfell Forest and establishes the port city of Augustana.

  • 1750 AR

    Shipbuilding operations in Augustana reach their peak
    Technological achievement

    Shipbuilding operations in Augustana reach their peak, providing Taldor nearly all of the ships for its vast navy.

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  • 2009 AR

    2014 AR

    Taldor explores north to the Lake of Mists and Veils

    The Fifth Army of Exploration employs a magical siege engine called the Worldbreaker to push north through the River Kingdoms and Brevoy to the Lake of Mists and Veils.

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  • 2080 AR

    Taldor conscripts Andoren militia members and commandeers Augustanan ships for the Sixth Army of Exploration
    Military action

    Taldor conscripts thousands of Andoren militia members to serve in the Sixth Army of Exploration, and commandeers hundreds of ships from Augustana to carry them across the Inner Sea.

  • 2080 AR

    Taldor begins exploring Garund

    General Erestos Marburran and his Sixth Army of Exploration begin exploring northern Garund.

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  • 2089 AR

    Taldor is defeated at Nagisa
    Military: Battle

    The Sixth Army of Exploration is ambushed and destroyed by the Gorilla King at Nagisa, losing the Worldbreaker; Taldor begins its decline.

  • 2133 AR

    Taldor establishes Isger

    The Seventh Army of Exploration slaughters the Kellids of the fiercely independent Isger tribe and establishes the Protectorate of Isger (named in the tribe’s memory) to secure trade with Druma.

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  • 2632 AR

    Elves return to Kyonin from Castrovel
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves return en masse to Golarion via the Sovyrian Stone in Kyonin, pushing Taldan settlers and scavengers east of the Sellen River.

    Sellen River
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  • 2742 AR

    The Choking Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    The disease known as the Choking Death spreads from Iobaria and devastates Taldor’s population, as well as that of the rest of Avistan.

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  • 2920 AR

    Earthquakes devastate Taldor and Qadira
    Disaster / Destruction

    Massive earthquakes devastate both Taldor and Qadira, killing tens of thousands and flattening many cities. Some Taldan nobles accept this as proof that Qadira worships Rovagug and threatens to unleash the Rough Beast from his prison, while Satrap Gheber II declares this proof of Taldan allegiance with evil gods and requests leave to invade Taldor. The empress refuses.

  • 2921 AR

    Grand Prince Remoque V ends an attempted coup
    Political event

    Grand Prince Remoque V ends an attempted coup by the White Wardens, averting war with Qadira.

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  • 3007 AR

    Cheliax is incorporated as a province of Taldor

    Cheliax is formally incorporated as a province of Taldor rather than a frontier region.

  • 3129 AR

    Grand Prince Hyrotte I forms the Ulfen Guard in response to his predecessor’s assassination

    Qadiran assassins kill Grand Prince Jalrune; his successor, Grand Prince Hyrotte I, forms the Ulfen Guard to protect himself.

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  • 3203 AR

    Tar-Baphon returns as the Whispering Tyrant
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon returns as the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant, unites the orc tribes of Belkzen under his rule, and terrorizes central Avistan for more than 600 years.

    Isle of Terror
  • 3660 AR

    3672 AR

    The Dragon Plague
    Disaster / Destruction

    The so-called Dragon Plague plunges northern Taldor into a campaign of terror and violence brought about by metallic dragons.

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  • 3754 AR

    The Shining Crusade begins
    Military: War

    Taldor launches the Shining Crusade to destroy the lich Tar-Baphon and his undead armies.

  • 3823 AR

    Arazni is slain
    Life, Death

    The Whispering Tyrant slays Arazni, inspiring a huge wave of support from Absalom for the Shining Crusade.

  • 3827 AR

    Tar-Baphon is defeated
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon is defeated and imprisoned within his former fortress of Gallowspire.

  • 3828 AR

    Lastwall is founded

    The Knights of Ozem form Lastwall, a protectorate of Taldor, to watch over Gallowspire.

  • 3841 AR

    Treaty of the Wildwood is signed
    Diplomatic action

    Treaty of the Wildwood is signed, making the Verduran Forest semiautonomous.

    Verduran Forest
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  • 4067 AR

    The Qadiran satrap agitates for war with Taldor
    Political event

    Uncertainty over the succession to the imperial throne causes violent conflict in Qadira. Eager to refocus the unrest on an external enemy, Satrap Gheber III proposes war with Taldor.

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  • 4079 AR

    Westcrown encourages Andoren ships to attack Taldan vessels

    Admiral Genise Ratorian of Westcrown provides warships and Writs of Course to sailors in Augustana, encouraging them to attack Taldan merchant vessels and establishing the roots of the Gray Corsairs.

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  • 4079 AR

    Qadira captures Zimar; The Grand Gampaign begins
    Military: War

    During ongoing succession conflicts in the Padishah Empire, Qadira invades Taldor, capturing Zimar. The war known in Taldor as the Grand Campaign begins.

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  • 4080 AR

    Ember Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    Emperor Darial III raises Qadiran taxes to a punitive level in an attempt to halt the invasion of Taldor. Qadiran nobles threaten to secede, and the emperor relents, but dies from a suspicious fall off a balcony the night after he instructs the vizier to communicate his change of mind. Qadiran forces enslave the city of Zimar and burn most settlements in the Zimar scrublands in Ember Night, a touchstone many modern Taldans still call back to as justification of their hatred of Qadira.

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  • 4081 AR

    4091 AR

    The Even-Tongued Conquest
    Military: War

    The Taldan governor in charge of Cheliax, taking advantage of Taldor’s focus on its Qadiran border, declares the province independent from the empire and places himself upon the newly created Chelish throne as Aspex the Even-Tongued. Andoran, Galt, and Isger are annexed as part of Cheliax in the following years. This decade-long power grab becomes known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, and greatly undermines Taldan influence throughout western Avistan. Lastwall declares neutrality in the conflict, effectively becoming an independent nation.

  • 4082 AR

    Grand Prince Cydonus III is poisoned
    Life, Death

    Taldan Grand Prince Cydonus III, who mired his nation in debt and failed to prevent the Qadiran conquest of southern Taldor, is poisoned by angry nobles in a palace conspiracy. His successor, Beldam I, claims that the poisoning was carried out by Qadiran agents.

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  • 4083 AR

    Qadira’s armies reach the River Porthmos
    Military action

    Qadira’s armies reach the River Porthmos—the farthest north they push the Qadiran border over the entire war—after a series of Taldan military losses the Taldans call the Ghevran Massacres and the Qadirans call the Ghevran Victories.

    Porthmos River
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  • 4096 AR

    Qadira abandons the city of Koor after repeated Taldan sieges
    Military action

    Repeated Taldan sieges of the Qadiran city of Koor prompt Qadira to abandon it.

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  • 4217 AR

    The Yellowtongued Sickness
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Yellowtongued Sickness ravages Taldor.

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  • 4276 AR

    Taldan forces destroy Qadira’s Resolute Citadel
    Military action

    Taldan forces destroy Qadira’s Resolute Citadel, an academy for spellcasters.

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  • 4328 AR

    Taldor launches the Heaven’s Step Offensive
    Military action

    After 2 1/2 centuries spent pushing out Qadiran invaders, Taldor launches the Heaven’s Step Offensive to invade Qadira. At the urging of Satrap Arsinoah II, Kelesh sends a detachment of 50,000 cavalry to swell Arsinoah’s forces. The combined Qadiran and Keleshite forces successfully repel the Taldan advance.

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  • 4528 AR

    The Great Purge
    Religious event

    Grand Prince Stavian I uses the war with Qadira to push out rivals prominent within the church of Sarenrae by initiating the Great Purge of Sarenites. He declares worship of Sarenrae illegal, propagandizes the Cult of the Dawnflower as treasonous spies, and encourages destruction of Sarenrae’s temples. Many Sarenite clerics are imprisoned or murdered.

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  • 4603 AR

    War between Taldor and Qadira ends
    Diplomatic action

    Taldor and Qadira declare peace after 5 centuries of war; trade between Avistan and Kelesh reopens. Worship of Sarenrae is declared legal again in Taldor.

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  • 4606 AR

    Aroden dies
    Religious event

    Aroden dies, producing several weeks of powerful, destructive storms across Golarion. His death triggers weeks of mourning and panic in Absalom and leaves the empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. Chaos in Cheliax leaves the liege nation unable to fully govern Andoran.

  • 4606 AR

    Taldor begins to explore overseas

    The Eighth Army of Exploration, led by General Orphyrea Amandar, sets sail to discover new lands to conquer overseas.

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  • 4608 AR

    Amanandar established

    The Eighth Army of Exploration lands in Shenmen in Tian Xia; pushing inland, it conquers the city of Kamikobu and establishes the isolated Taldan colony of Amanandar.

    Tian Xia
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  • 4667 AR

    The Red Revolution

    Galt rises up against Chelish rule, resulting in the Red Revolution. Many nobles flee into Taldor with little but their titles, creating an underclass of penniless nobles in the north.

  • 4689 AR

    Taldor begins harassing Qadiran trading ships
    Military action

    Taldor begins a new naval campaign of harassment and privateering against Qadiran trading ships, using Zimar corsairs.

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  • 4718 AR

    After the bloody War for the Crown, Grand Princess Eutropia claims the throne
    Political event

    Grand Prince Stavian III of Taldor has half the Taldan senate murdered. The ensuing War for the Crown is dramatic and bloody, with Eutropia eventually claiming the throne as grand princess.

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