Negative Energy Plane Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil

Negative Energy Plane

The Negative Energy Plane—also known as the Void, Entropy's Heart, the Nothing, and the Final End—sits at the metaphysical centre of the Shadow Plane, in much of the same way as the Positive Energy Plane does for the Material Plane. The plane is considered to be the polar opposite of the Positive Energy Plane in the arcane tradition and complementary in the esoteric tradition.

It is a place of annihilation and destruction, leaching life energy from all who come near it. A barren wasteland of emptiness with few surfaces, the Negative Energy Plane is the home of countless undead creatures, many of them intelligent and extremely powerful. In fact, the plane is the source from which all undead draw their power and un-life.


The plane mostly consists of bleak emptiness. The few exceptions include elemental pockets, where the plane intersects with the Elemental Planes, as well as a number of unique features.
  • The Escarpment, cliffs on its metaphorical edge near the Material Plane where material worlds abut the Nothing. Cataracts of liquid entropy pour over parts of these cliffs, while the higher peaks are home to powerful outsiders.
  • Chasm to Shadow, manifesting its border with the Shadow Plane as an impossibly deep ravine filled with shadows. The mixture of shadow and entropy produces a powerful, almost sentient malice that attracts passing fiends, drawing them into the Chasm's depths where they transform into nightshades.
  • Floating Islands rent from the Escarpment by erosion, float into the void until they eventually crumble away and are often claimed by powerful beings.
  • An array of planets consumed by the void, including Fallen Duromak, known as the Dead Worlds and haunted by the undead.
  • Crystalline knots of negative energy that are home to, and birth, the sceaduinars.
  • Dawn spirals, termini of black holes in the Material Plane, formed by fragments of matter drawn through the celestial bodies.
  • Entropy sheets that manifest pure destruction and which often obscure ancient monuments and sealed gates.

Fauna & Flora

Incorporeal undead creatures, including the plane's most feared nightshades, dominate the plane. Corporeal undead, such as liches and graveknights, also travel to the plane and meet or reside in protected settlements like Malikar's Keep.

The most prominent natives of the plane are sceaduinars and sceazirs, who spawn from crystalline knots of negative energy that form strange angles. Oblivions also coalesce from the entropy that courses through the plane.

Other beings who visit or live in the plane include daemons, at least one danava, devourers, hunduns, umbral dragons, and void-ravaged survivors who have acclimated to the void. A few movanic devas voluntarily brave the plane as front-line defenses against its inhabitants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Void
Entropy's Heart
The Final End
Plane of Existence
Location under
Mildly neutral
Enhanced and impeded
Danavas, hunduns, nightshades, sceaduinars, undead
A pitch-black expanse of hungry, devouring nothingness


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