Shadow Plane Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil

Shadow Plane

The Shadow Plane is coexistent with both the Material Plane and Ethereal Plane, and seems to be a warped reflection of the former. It is a plane where the things born here have their colours, sounds, tastes, and all other forms of perception lessened.


Connected to the Material Plane through the Ethereal Plane, much of the Shadow Plane has similar, but distorted, features that can be found in the corresponding place within the Material Plane. Where on the Material where a city might exist, on the Plane of Shadow in its place may be ruins or some twisted representation of that city's populous. Distances do not correlate between the planes, however, so that a person who takes a short walk on the Shadow Plane might find herself transported leagues away after returning to the Material Plane.

Fauna & Flora

Just as the lands of Golarion have a twisted reflection on the Shadow Plane, the people do as well. The fetchlings are descended of humans who became trapped on Plane of Shadow long ago. They have become infused with its essence and have yellow eyes and no pigmentation in their skin. Fetchlings often serve as middlemen for planar travellers and are the most populous race in their realm.

In many people's minds, the Plane of Shadow has very strong ties with undead and for good reason. At the core of the Plane of Shadow resides the Negative Energy Plane which causes the creation of many of the undead that exist within the Shadow Plane including nightshades. Undead are not the only creatures found on the Shadow Plane. Other living inhabitants include shadow giants and the infamous velstracs.  


It is noted that the plane has largely been tainted by Zon-Kuthon's imprisonment here long ago. Portions of the plane show his influence more strongly than others. While he is no longer imprisoned, Zon-Kuthon still makes his home on the Plane of Shadow in a region known as Xovaikain.
Alternative Name(s)
The Netherworld
The Plane of Death
Plane of Existence
Location under
Included Locations
Mildly neutral
Enhanced and impeded
D'ziriaks, fetchlings, velstracs
Zon-Kuthon; velstrac demagogues
Dark reflection of the Material Plane

Articles under Shadow Plane


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