Plane of Air Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil

Plane of Air

The Plane of Air, the Endless Sky, is an elemental plane of the Inner Sphere, which in metaphysical terms is the closest to the Material Plane. It is a realm of unending skies, towering clouds and fierce storms.


The Elemental Plane of Air is a nearly unimaginably large expanse of open skies, filled with churning air current, drifting clouds, and towering thunderheads. Near the borders of the Plane of Water, tremendous storms of rain and snow lash massive globules of water hanging suspended like floating oceans. Solid matter is rare in this realm, much of it consisting of ice, magically solidified clouds or conjured rock.

Despite the Plane of Air being dominated by vast expanses of open sky, several notable settlements exist within it. These include Armun Kelisk, the floating capital of the djinni; the Verglas Precessional, the nearly invisible palace of the elemental lord Hshurha; the smuggler haven of Port Eclipse; and the ice mephit kingdom of the Sparkling Principality of Hautansia.

One of the strangest occurrences of solid matter on the Elemental Plane of Air are the metal spheres. Hundreds or thousands of feet in diameter, these obviously ancient bronze or iron spheres were left ages ago by their unknown creators. They have been there so long, in fact, that numerous peoples from the Material Plane have colonized them, building entire communities there. Covered in unknown symbols or runes, the spheres are obviously hollow, yet no one has found a way of opening one. They are strenuously avoided by the native djinni, a not-altogether illogical attitude, since a number of the communities living on the spheres have mysteriously disappeared without a trace in recent years.

The plane is illuminated by the Fire Orbs, distant spheres of intense light and heat that sit at fixed points far from the centre of the plane and are stationary enough that its inhabitants use them to navigate by. Some have speculated that these orbs must contain some sort of link to the Plane of Fire but no evidence has ever been found of this.

Fauna & Flora

The Plane of Air is the least populated of the four elemental planes, with only a small fraction of the inhabitants of its neighbors. Some believe that this is due to the extreme scarcity of solid land, which takes the form of large chunks of ice or magically created earth or rock. It is, nevertheless, home to a race of genies known as the djinni who have built enormous floating cities, air, dust and ice mephits, belkers, mihstus, air and lightning elementals, and an eternally feuding population of silver and white dragons that was once thought to be the only draconic presence on the plane, until the discovery of the native cloud dragons disproved this belief. The nephlei, or cloud nymphs, lead solitary lives in homes built within cloud formations. Invisible stalkers also inhabit the Plane of Air, serving the djinni as scouts and assassins. Settlers from other planes, such as sylphs and thriae, can also be found where solid land is present.
Alternative Name(s)
The Endless Sky
Endless Expanse
The Firmament
Plane of Existence
Location under
Included Locations
Mildly neutral
Enhanced or impeded
Djinn, air elementals, white and silver dragons, air veelas, mephits
Hshurha and other elemental lords of air
Eternal open sky, dotted with occasional cloudbanks, floating palaces, and vast unknowable iron spheres

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