Greland Princess Dorthy Cray is Educated in the Royal Court of Rotheval

Princess Dorthy Cray is Educated in the Royal Court of Rotheval

Life, Education


Dorthy Cray, daughter of King Tyon I Cray and Princett Nym Cray-Cimber, and the Crown Princess of The Kingdom of Somercrag, travelled to The Kingdom of Rotheval to take up a position in Her Aunt's court.

As the heir to the throne of The Kingdom of Somercrag Dorthy was accompanied by four members of The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray, ser Aladaniola Ghaydon, ser Ablech Ilanhis, ser Arwin Levi and new inductee ser Lawsen Hwen.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Rotheval
Related timelines & articles
The Timeskip 444-454KS (article)
The Kingdom of Rotheval (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)