Greland The Death of ser Sola Somercrag; The Death of Duke Brennar Hayford

The Death of ser Sola Somercrag; The Death of Duke Brennar Hayford

Life, Death

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The official story, told by the only survivors of the event and proclaimed by Queen Malina Somercrag, is that ser Sola Somercrag and her companions were riding to The City of Bayglen with evidence of Duke Brennar Hayford's crimes when they were caught by an army led by the Duke and his Marshal ser Edam Bracks, themselves doggedly pursued by ser Kyra Crowler and her men-at-arms.
Ser Edam was torn between his loyalty to his Duke and to the crown. When Duke Brennar struck down ser Sola, Edam finally realised he could not stand by and allow this treason, so he had in turn struck down Duke Brennar.

Although this version of events has since been proven false, Queen Malina Somercrag's unwillingness to accept the truth, and ser Tyon Cray's insistence upon it, led to The Revolution of 441KS.