Celestian (se-LES-tee-an)

The Far Wanderer, The Space Wanderer

Stars, Space, Wanderers

Lesser God of the Astral Plane, Neutral Good
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Astral Plane
Origin: Oeridian
Superior: None
Allies: Zagyg, Keoghtom, Heward, and Murlynd
Symbol: Black circle with seven stars
Worshippers Alignment: Any Good
  It is said that Celestian and Fharlanghn (q.v.) are brothers who followed similar, but different, paths. While the latter chose the distances of the world, Celestian was drawn to the endless reaches of the stars and the Astral Plane.   The Star Wanderer appears as a tall, lean man of middle years. His skin is of ebony hue and smooth. His eyes are of the same color as his skin. He is quick and absolutely silent in his movements. He speaks but seldom. His garments are of deep black, but somewhere he will have his symbol, seven "stars" - diamond, amethyst, sapphire, emerald, topaz, jacinth, ruby - blazing with the colors of far suns.   Celestian's habits and disposition usually keep him from close association and involvement with other gods. He has, in fact, but a small following amongst mankind. Those who involve themselves with the cosmos or the sky - scholars, astronomers, astrologers, navigators, dreamers - make up the bulk of the Celestian faithful. His priests wander the land, emulating their deity whenever possible by actually traveling the reaches of space.   Celestian has but a small following in the Flanaess, being revered by astronomers, astrologers, navigators, philosophers, dreamers, and others who are interested in the sky and the cosmos. Demihumans and some other humanoids with their own racial deities sometimes worship Celestian alongside their own gods. Members of nocturnal races who have been banished from their kin, perhaps for crimes such as mercy or love for humans, often take to the worship of the Far Wanderer because though the sunlight hurts their eyes, the gentle light of the stars offer acceptance.   While Celestian's following on Oerth is small compared to that of his brother Fharlanghn, on other planes of existence and in the depths of space he is much more popular than his land-bound sibling. He is the deity of choice for planewalkers and many spelljammers. On Oerth, Celestian's followers wish to keep their journeys secret from those outside the faith.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics, Specialty Priests
Alignment: Any good or True Neutral
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No
Recommended non-weapon proficiencies: Astrology
Bonus non-weapon proficiencies: Astronomy, navigation
There is no formal, organized church dedicated to Celestian, nor would he care if there was. The clergy spends their time tending to shrines and travelling, be it on the prime material plane, the ethereal, the astral, or the outer planes. Celestian's clergy are often filled with wanderlust and the desire to travel to see what there is to see. When not travelling, they tend to travellers and wanderers, especially those who wander the Astral Plane.   Priests of Celestian wander about emulating their deity, whenever possible, by traveling the depths of space and the known planes of existance. They tend to be detached, more concerned with the stars than with Oerthly affairs. All Celestian priests study the stars and have a working knowledge of astronomy and navigation.   There are seven orders of the priesthood of Celestian. Those clerics are divided as follows:
OrderRobe ColorGem/Symbol
First Orderlight blue robes ruby
Second Orderlight gray robes jacinth
Third Orderviolet robes topaz
Fourth Orderblue-gray robes emerald
Fifth Orderdark blue robes sapphire
Sixth Orderdeep purple robes amethyst
Seventh Orderblack robes diamond


The distant stars are an inspiration to travel; be encouraged to wander far from home, just as the stars do. The stars are eternal and are pleased to be a guide for both legs of a journey. The stars may reveal their secrets if you study them.   Celestian encourages his followers to wander far from home, just as the stars do. Astrology is as much a part of Celestian's faith as astronomy is, and his worshippers are encouraged to discover the secrets within the patterns of the stars and other celestial bodies.   Though Celestians must pledge to wander, they may remain in one place for decades without receiving more than a gentle chiding from Celestian priests. Priests are expected to take their oaths much more seriously.


Travels of the Far Wanderer is a 45-page book of aphorisms and devotionals to Celestian. The text is not illuminated, but an intricate star-shaped design has been worked into the leather cover. The cover's tips are bound in sturdy silver.

Day-to-day activities

Most of Celestian’s clerics are scholars, astronomers, and planar explorers, with a few sailors. They search the world, sky, and planes for artifacts of the stars, fragments of meteorites, and lore relating to the stars, space, or the planes. Many of his clerics make a pilgrimage to a holy site in the Barrier Peaks.   Celestians are required to aid travelers in need, but are permitted to charge for their services.

Important Ceremonies

Service and worship are always conducted in the open, during the night, preferably when the sky is clear and many stars are visible.

Holy Days

  • Dark Night, also called Black Night, Star Night, and the Night of Hopeful Dawn, is observed on Goodmonth 11. It is a holy night for the church of Celestian because the stars are so easy to observe without the light of one of the moons getting in the way.
  • Great Moon's Glory on Readying 11th, when Luna is full but Celene is new, is holy to Celestian.
  • Midwinter Night, also known as Dark Time, Dim Time, and Handmaiden's Glory. It is this night when Luna is completely dark and only Celene is visible in the sky. It is the longest night of the year, during which clerics of Celestian conduct all-night services of moonwatching and stargazing.

Major Centers of Worship

Celestian shrines are located in the country, away from city lights, and are often built upon mountain peaks or hilltops with a clear view of the sky.   The "home" temple of Celestian is located in the Griff Mountains. The faithful of the Far Wanderer record their journeys to the stars and keep records of it beneath Grey College in the Free City of Greyhawk. There is a major temple to Celestian outside of Thrunch, also spelled Thrutch, a village in the foothills of the Lortmils in the Principality of Ulek.   A place in the Barrier Peaks is a holy pilgrimage site for Celestian's faithful.   There are Celestian hospices throughout the depths of space, tended to by priests who have decided to stay in one place for a time. They give shelter, food, air, and advice, appreciating donations, though there is no set schedule of fees. They may give directions and help travelers find work.

Priestly Vestments/Adventuring Garb

The robes of Celestian's clergy can be of any color combination including blues, blacks, grays, or deep purples as described above. They wear these robes while performing services, travelling or adventuring.   The only difference is the gem in the center of the holy symbol they wear around their necks, as described above.

Specialty Priests (Wanderers)

Abilities: Intelligence 15 or Wisdom 16
Alignment: any good or True Neutral
Weapons: dagger, knife, longbow (and arrows), short sword, spear, staff
Armor: non-metal
Raiment: black robe covered with faint star patterns
Major Spheres: Astral, Creation, Elemental (All), Sun, Time, Travelers,
Minor Spheres: Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Thought, Wards, Weather
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No

Granted Powers

Wanderers may use the following wizard spells as part of their normal spell lists (not as extra spells) at the listed levels of experience upon attaining those levels:
1) Feather Fall
3) Jump
5) Levitate
7) Spider Climb
9) Fly
11) Dimension Door
16) Teleport Without Error

Celestian Spells


Celestian's Gift

According to legend, Celestian sent an enormous meteor hurtling toward the Oerth thousands of years ago. This celestial body buried itself miles beneath the surface somewhere in Western Oerik. The pulsing core of the meteorite has never cooled in the countless centuries since. This core is said to hold a priceless gift from the Far Wanderer, though the precise nature of this gift has not been agreed on. Some say it is the purest adamantine in the multiverse, while others say the gift is a deep philosophical truth.   The only way to reach Celestian's Gift is a narrow natural bridge deep within the Underdark. Monsters from across space and time are said to guard it.


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