
The following lists include much of the equipment your character needs for adventuring. The most basic of these are weapons, armor, clothing, and outfitting gear. The other lists provide goods and services your character may need during the course of his many adventures.   While most items are always available, the DM may add to or delete from these lists, or even change the prices. What you want may not be available. While he will tell you which items are and aren't available, you should ask if you have any doubts, particularly on large purchases. Be aware that many items on these lists are generic, and may be broken into more specific items, i.e., the listing of Herbs under teh Household Provisioning table could be broken down in to "wolfsbane", or "Mandrake Root", or even "Chives", depending on the location, circumstances, and needs.   Many of the uncommon items in these lists are explained in the following pages. The price given for each item in the lists is its average price, the amount you can expect the item to cost in a normal economy. However, large cities, barren wildernesses, and places with brave adventurers carrying bags full of gold are not normal economies. In these places you may find yourself paying more (very rarely less) than the amount listed. You can also haggle with merchants over prices, although to speed up the game it's recommended that you save this for your important purchases. If you wind up haggling over the cost of every tankard of ale, your character is going to spend more time being a penny pincher than an adventurer!   Clothing
Daily Food & Lodging
Household Provisioning
Tack & Harness
Misc. Equipment
Miscellaneous Items
Missile Weapon Ranges
Equipment for Thieves
Religious Items


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