Allitur Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Allitur (AH-lih-toor)

LG (LN) lesser god of Ethics and Propriety

Allitur (AH-lih-toor) is an old Flan god, representing the need to maintain traditions, laws, and ethical behaviors between tribes and generations of people. Often considered the younger brother of Rao, he maintains close ties with all of his pantheon and often acts as a liaison to other pantheons because of his gift of divine diplomacy; it is this interaction that has gained him some awareness beyond the Flan people in this century. He rides an untiring horse named Keph; his symbol is a pair of clasped hands.

The people should understand and respect their cultural traditions, else breakdown of society should result. Allitur insists on the performance of traditional rituals, and most of the Flan customs about home and family can be traced to his teachings. He also introduced the concept of laws and punishment to the Flan, and his name is invoked at trials, diplomatic meetings, and other official situations where fairness is expected from a bargaining partner.

Allitur's clerics arbitrate disputes, carry messages between tribes and nations, act as legal advisers or judges when needed, scribe laws and other documents for the common folk, travel to teach the proper traditions to children and heathens. They also have a martial aspect because of their role as enactors of punishment for criminals, violators of taboos, and oathbreakers. Allitur's worshipers are expected to comply with clerics when they serve this function. These roles carry them far into hostile lands where their belief comes into conflict with heretics and the uncivilized.

Domains Good, Knowledge, Law; Weapons shortspear




Alot like each other

Some sources claim that Stern Alia is an aspect of Allitur.

At War


At War



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