Beltar Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Beltar (BEL-tar)

CE (CN) lesser goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits

The haglike goddess Beltar (BEL-tar) one of the stranger Suel deities, known to appear as a beholder, red dragon, or marilith demon (the likely cause of Suloise snake-cult rumors). She was once a goddess of mines and earth, but was supplanted by others in her pantheon and finally relegated to worship by nonhuman slaves. She hates most everything, even other gods. Her holy symbol is a set of monstrous fangs closing to bite. She takes many mates in her various forms, but she is known to eat them afterward, as well as her own young.

Mine and explore caves in pursuit of foes and riches. Fear is not acceptable in the face of adversity, and only hatred is allowed for those who stand in your way. Primarily worshiped by evil nonhumans and savage humans, Beltar pushes her followers to band together into armies and ally with more powerful creatures, such as red dragons, beholders, demons, or greater undead. They must wage war on hated foes.

Clerics of Beltar are expected to take positions of leadership in their tribes; those who cannot do so are cast out to find heathen tribes to convert or new enemies for to fight. They inspire hatred in others and make examples of traitors or the weak-willed. Worship services involve sacrifices and are conducted in caves or points of low ground. Devoted clerics rise from the grave as undead within a year of their deaths, usually returning to aid their original tribe and show proof of the goddess' power.

Domains Chaos, Earth, Evil, War; Weapons claws of Beltar (unarmed strike or spiked gauntlet)




At War

Wee Jas

At War


At War

Joramy is also an enemy of Beltar. This is due to several instances of Beltar's followers in the Hellfurnaces making sacrifices of Joramy's followers. This is likely to lead to all out war between the two factions, presently.


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