Berei Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Berei (BEAR-ay)

A lesser deity originally known to the Flan, Berei is goddess of Agriculture, Family, and Home. Her holy symbol is a sheaf of wheat stalks.

Berei is depicted as a brown-skinned, kindly-looking woman carrying a sickle.

Berei is thought by some to be a lesser aspect of the goddess of nature, Beory.

Berei can most often be found in the first layer of Elysium, in the realm of Principality.

Berei tries to strengthen the ties of family and community, and urges care in the planting of crops.

Berei's priests officiate over wedding ceremonies, attend births, and protect and teach their communities. Some clerics of Berei choose to wander, planting seeds, carrying news between communities, and looking for exotic crops. They often adopt their adventuring companions as if they were true family in every sense of the word.

(Hearth Mother), NG lesser goddess of Home, Family, and Agriculture

Berei (BEAR-ay) is possibly a splinter cult of Beory that has taken on an anthropomorphic persona. Berei is the live-giving soil and the strong stone that is the foundation of a safe home. She is shown as a strong backed woman of brown skin and kind demeanor, and her holy symbol is a sheaf of wheat stalks. As the goddess of the home and family, she blesses wed dings, gives fertility, protects the household and its members, guides the hands of those who till the soil, and teaches ways to care for the land. Beory is the only deity that concerns her.

The family is the strongest tie between individuals, and one must learn to support and depend upon one's family to survive. A community is a form of large family, and when another family is in need it is the duty of the community to provide for them. The birth of a new child in a time of plenty is a great blessing and an opportunity to resolve dif ferences and restore frayed connections within the family. Care must be taken with every planting so that life can begin there again gam next year.

Clerics of Berei tend to stay close to their families, serve as advisers and protectors, advise farmers on crops, and restore barren land. Some of her clerics choose to wander, planting seeds, looking for exotic crops, and carrying news between communities. They often adopt their traveling companions as family members, and consider these bonds as sacred as those of blood relatives.

Domains Good, Plant, Protection; Weapons sickle

Allies - Might be the same being





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