Obad-Hai The Shalm Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Obad-Hai The Shalm (OH-bahd HI)

Intermediate Powers

(The Shalm), N intermediate god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts

Obad-hai, "The Shalm," is an archaic deity of nature and wildlands, one of the most ancient known, having been worshipped by the Flan prior to the arrival of invading Aerdi. Obad-hai can appear in human form as a lean, weathered man of indeterminate but considerable age. He usually is clad in brown or russet, carrying a hornwood staff, looking as if he were a pilgrim, hermit, or merely a rustic. At other times he will appear as a dwarf, gnome, or halfling. The Shalm also is able to take the form and characteristics of any of the following creatures. He can assume any form instantaneously:

  • centaur
  • badger
  • giant otter
  • leprechaun
  • brown bear
  • giant owl
  • pixie
  • boar
  • giant pike
  • satyr
  • giant eagle
  • giant porcupine
  • sprite
  • giant goat
  • giant stag
  • treant
  • giant lynx
  • wolf

It is not uncommon for the Shalm to roam about in the guise of any of these woodland creatures.

Obad-hai's weapon is the Shalmstaff. When it is discarded by Obad-hai it instantaneously flies to the nearest hornwood tree, where it remains until summoned by Obad-hai. This staff also allows its bearer to walk tirelessly without food or water for as long as desired. Animals will never harm the bearer. Vegetaion will part to allow easy passage.

The Shalm loves nature and wilderness. He is a patron of druids and a friend to those who dwell in harmony with their natural surroundings. Because of Obad-hai's particular neutrality, a rivalry and antipathy exists between this deity and Ehlonna of the forests. Thus, the majority of the Shalm's followers are male, those of Ehlonna, female.

Clerics who follow Obad-hai usually are druids. A few others are of the normal sort, although they wander as pilgrims in most cases. Such clerics wear russet garments and carry staves.

Churches or chapels of Obad-hai are always in rustic settings and made of rough timber. Services are brief and not particularly ritualized. Living flowers, earth, , water, and fire are typical service adornments.

Obad-Hai (OH-bahd HI) carries a hornwood staff called the Shalmstaff, which allows the bearer swift and easy passage through floral and faunal hazards, and the woodwind instrument from which he takes his title. He shown as a lean and weathered man of indeterminately old age, dressed in brown or russet and looking like a hermit, although nonhuman communities show him as one of their own race. His symbol is an oak leaf and acorn. Because of their difference in perspective, Ehlonna and Obad-Hai are unfriendly rivals, and he also counts Phyton as his enemy.

One should live in harmony with nature in all of its variety. Those who destroy or otherwise harm nature deserve swift vengeance in an appropriate manner. Those who are one with nature have little to fear, although the well-meaning but foolish are sometimes brought down by a danger they could not avoid or divert The wilds can be ugly, dangerous, or terrible, but these things are a part of nature and should be respected as much as those that are beautiful, harmless, or wonderful.

Most of the Shalm's clerics are male, whether human, gnome, halfling, or fey. Most tend get along very well with rangers and druids. They serve as pro tectors of nature, acting as the agents of retribution when their protection is insufficient or too late. They teach hunting in the way that nature's creatures do (choosing the weakest of the herd, etc.).

Domains Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water; Weapons quarterstaff, druid weapons


Obad-Hai is an ancient Flan nature deity, whose worship has spread throughout the Flanaess. He is a lover of wilderness and nature, a patron of druids, and a friend to those who live in harmony with their natural surroundings. Because of his neutrality, there is enmity between him and Ehlonna of the Forests. He is most revered by druids who live in very wild places: those of the barbarians and other underpopulated lands.

Obad-Hai is represented as a lean, weathered man of considerable age, as if a hermit, pilgrim, or simple rustic. He can also appear as a gnome, dwarf, or halfling, and has his worshipers among those folk; he is also represented in the form of woodland animals of diverse kind. Shrines of Obad-Hai are usually wooden structures found in rustic settings. Services to him involve the consecration of living flowers, earth, water, and fire.

Obad-Hai's Priests

Obad-Hai's priests are treated as druids. The priesthood is non-hierarchical, treating each other as equals, irrespective of level. Age is a basis for deferment among them.

Requirements: AB Wis 14; AL N; WP as druids (staff 1st AR as druids; RA simple russet garments; SP Animal, Charm*, Divination*, El emental (all), Healing, Necromantic*, Plant, Summoning*, Sun, Weather; SPL none; PW as druids; TU nil.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Obad-Hai's realm is the Hidden Wood (Outlands)
Religious, Other



Unfriendly Rivalry

At War

At War

At War


Baphomet hates the gods of nature who would rival his claim over beasts, as Obad-hai does.


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