Beory Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Beory (bay-OH-ree)

Greater Powers

(Oerth Mother), N (NG) greater goddess of the Oerth, Nature and Rain

Beory (bay-OH-ree) is usually considered a manifestation of the will of Oerth itself. Little concerns her except the actual fate and prosperity of the entire world, and she is a very distant goddess, even from her clerics.

Named by the Flan, Beory's name is known throughout the Flanaess. Beory has little time or interest for most other divine beings, even those of similar interests, for her connection to the Oerth consumes most of her attention. Her symbol is either a green disk marked with a circle or a rotund woman figurine.

The Oerth is the wellspring of all life. Whether on the surface, below the waves, or underground, all life is part of the cycle of birth, life, and death, and part of Beory. She inspires every living thing to grow, nurtures them with blessed rain, and calls them to herself when it is time to die. Disasters that cause widespread destruction are agony to her. The actions of individuals are of no consequence unless they threaten the Oerth.

Clerics of Beory are contemplative and spend their time communing with nature. They often associate with druids. When they gather, they defer to the wisest and oldest. As they try to see the greater picture, they tend to be slow to act, but when they do act it is direct and focused on the solution.

They wander to feel the different sensations of the Oerth, and use their power to relieve the Oerth's pains where it has been wounded.

Domains Animal, Earth, Plant, Water;

Weapons club, druid weapons

Beory commonly takes the form of a rotund, middle-aged, motherly woman with brown hair and weathered skin, and she is sometimes depicted as such. More often, though, the Power of nature, rain, and the very Oerth itself is seen as a process rather than a being by learned folk, and she is considered very distant by common folk. The worldly doings of humans, demihumans, and their kindred are of almost no concern to Beory. Only events which affect the integrity of Oerth as an entity concern her. Beory has very few Priests; those who exist are druids (but they do not have the Charisma requirement of other druids).

Beory's Priests

Priests of Beory are contemplative communers with nature, using their skills to avoid any change of the natural balance. They are conservative, cautious folk, loath to take incisive actions. Many are solitary, and the priesthood has little organization. Priests treat each other as superiors on the basis of wisdom and years, not as a result of formal titles or higher experience levels.

Requirements: AB Wis 16; AL N; WP as druid; AR leather; RA green, brown, or gray plain robe; SP Animal, Charm*, Divination, Elemental (all), Guardian*, Healing, Plant, Protection*, Summoning*, Sun, Weather; SPL none; PW as druids; TU nil.

Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Beory's realm is the Prime Material Plane (Oerth)




Allies - Might be the same being



The Oerth Mother started the Old Faith



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