
Proper Name: Protectorate of the Verdured Heights

Heraldry: Gold Chalice and White Star on a Green Field

Ruler: Khedive Sohrasul Wadnir (Male Ftr9; AL LN (LE))

Government: Protective Federation

Rulership: Medium (Mur Low (Elsewhere)

Capital: Mur (pop. 17,900)

Major Towns: Dar-Zulaf (pop. 15,900), Kfeya (pop. Unknown), Mairber (pop. 14,000), Ras-Khande (pop. Unknown), Tuarziq (pop. 10,300), Zusip (pop. 12,280)

Coinage: Zeifan Currency

Population: 227,000 (Human 89% (Ob), Orc 9%, Half-Orc 2%)

Languages: Baklunish, Orcish, Merman

Alignments: LN*, LG, LE, NE, NG, N

Religions: Baklunish Pantheon

Resources: Foodstuffs (fish and barley), Livestock (goats), Luxuries (seal skins, pachyderm and walrus ivory),

Cost Multiplier: 110%

Allies: Zeif

Enemies: Darak Urtag, Treants and Wereboars, Risay (sometimes), Komal (sometimes), Janasibs (sometimes)

Muri Fleet: Coastal Xebec, Coastal Coracle (fish-ing boats)


Come visit Mur, an outpost of Zeifan civilization. Khedivate; court colony, established at the mouth of the Wadi Adab, to explore commercial opportunities. Elephants, wander the lush interior. Hyperboreal storms, push the beasts, ever southwards, rather then confront the cold. Nonetheless; an extremely cold winter, enabled the migration of the woolly mammoth, into the Baklunish basin. Unfortunately; these polar pachyderm, seldom survive the sweltering summers of the steppes.


Mur is a country west of the Gulf of Ghayar. It is not shown on the map.The nation of Mur was once under the yoke of Zeif. The Sultanate held it as a khedivate for decades in recent history, though it eventually proved unprofitable and was granted autonomy. It remains a rare destination for most Zeifans, however, and most know little about it.


Baklunish encounters with its native herdsmen, Oeridians, whom welcomed them to curtail orcish raids. Proselytizing proved successful, most embraced the Baklunish beliefs.


Qadi, harangued the inhabitants, to loathe the siblings, Hextor and Heironeous. Consequently; these new converts, repudiated violence. Notwithstanding; a sinister burst of rebellion, Brazen Horde. Unsurprisingly; most of its martial forces, are recruited from the Baklunish citizens.


Granted autonomy; the emancipated court colonies, claimed the lands, colloquially known as the Verdured Heights. Inhabitants rely on the Zeifan navy to retain ties with the mother country, reassured by the terracotta golems.


Nowadays, Exalted Ones, Paladins, Qadi, Priests and paynim mercenaries, billet Dar-Zulaf. Hailed as national heroes, whom withstand the humanoid hordes. Elsewhere; long-bowmen, barrack the cities, which enables spahis; chain mail, lance and composite short bows, to traverse the heights.


Resources are still exported to Beit Castan, via its coastal cities. However; the sea route is tenuous, ever since the Zeifan loss of its Island Pashaliks. Hence; the timid solicitation of Komal and Risay, to explore trade beyond the transportation of elephants.


Mur retains the title of Khedivate; whilst the other colonies, assumed the lesser title of Bey. In theory, its foreign policy is supposedly conducted by the Khedivate, but the Beys, must mobilize. Thus; martial campaigns require a broad consensus, un-likely because of the constant threat of an orcish onslaught, (See Domain of Durak Urtag)


Locations and Settlements within the Protectorate of Mur:


Dar-Zulaf: Alcazaba of 15,900. Fortress; safeguards the Kibudah Pass, and holds the humanoid hordes at bay. Its terracotta golem, is a symbol of defiance. Foundries crave charcoal, instigating conflict with the treants and wereboars.


Ferrannan Forest

Indatirum Forest


Kfeya: Coastal Ruin. Overrun with Mountain Stranglers. Verdant Gloom, relinquished a cerebral strand, that cautiously consumes the stranglers and matures, See Monsters: Mountain Stranglers and Verdant Gloom.

The Kibudah Pass

Mairber: Open large city of 14,000. Dominates the central plains. Long ago, the woodland were-wolves were hunted into extinction, this enabled the wereboars to thrive. Nowadays; mammoth herds, lumber through the outskirts, its ivory traders are known throughout the region.

Molardya Woods

Mur: Fortified large city of 17,900. Boasts interwoven moats, hastily excavated following emancipation. Its terracotta golem, is elevated on a stone pedestal. Nowadays, wealthy citizens are infatuated with the merfolk. Seaside amenities, win converts to Mouqol, among the merman merchants.

Ras-Khande: Coastal Ruins. Razed several times in the past. Rumored to be the decaying domain of a master spectre and its many minions.

Storm Vale

Tasmeteme Forest

Tuarziq: Open small city of 10,300. Pearl buyers, arrive from throughout the basin, whenever an auction is scheduled. Lavish amenities, amuse the Mer-folk, to the detriment of its citizens.

Utietona Forest

Verdure Mountains

Verdured Heights

Wadi Adab River

Zusip: Fortified large city of 12,280. Illicit charcoal burners incite the wraith of the wereboars. Unfortunately; the fortress’ forges must be supplied, so hostile encounters seem inevitable.

History: Elephants and later woolly mammoths, roamed these Verdant Heights, those Oeridians, fleeing the Domain of Darak Urtag, it must have seemed a woodland wonderland, seemingly endless rabbits and leaping stags, filled the stew pots.


Paradise, seldom remains peaceful as the Kibudah Pass, still vomited forth violence. Eventually; Baklunish colonists landed on its shores, seeking converts and riches. However; an unexpected threat took prominence, The Brazen Horde. Resentful raiders, burned and pillaged, the entire length of the Baklunish west.


In 2958 BH (299 CY), these ruthless opportunists, then traveled eastwards at the behest of the sultan, following the Battle of the Council Mounds. Wherein the Risayli cities, combined its militias to blunt the momentum of these heartless plunderers.


In 2993 BH (334 CY), rumors of fabulous mineral wealth within the Amber Hills, prompted the khedivates to mount an exploratory expedition. Orcish exiles; refused to confront the massed spahis, but ambushed those that entered the hills.


In 2996 BH (337 CY), the sultanate chose to enter into trade agreements with these humanoids. Elephant transportation and orcish recruits, kindled the ambitions of the Komali and Risayli.


In 3133 BH (474 CY), the Zeifan court, summarily emancipated the khedivates, and encouraged the liberated colonies to coalesce into a new nation. Elsewhere; its envoys, receive little welcome.


Beyond the Capital

Its spahis, restrain its ambitious neighbors. Internal enemies, treants and wereboars, reside in terrain unsuited to mounted warfare. Mariners, even risk the Hyperboria Sea, en route to Bountiful Bay. Seal skins and walrus tusks, fetch better coin, then a haul of fish…


Crag. Beyond the Flanaess: Gulf of Ghayar Gazetteer, 2023


Geography of Zeif

Bakhoury Coast


Enemies sometimes


Enemies sometimes


Enemies sometimes

Articles under Mur


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