
Proper Name: Malikate of Komal

Heraldry: Golden Spindle on a Red Field

Ruler(s): Ceremonial Orcish Malikah, (Priestesses of Geshtai)

Government: Matriarchal Theocracy

Rulership: High (Komal Medium (Southern Cities), Low (Island Pashalik: Yif Qa-yah), Very Low (Northern Contested Lands), Anarchy (Island Pashalik: Bureis)

Capital: Komal (pop. 19,700)

Major Towns: Fahmil (pop. Unknown), Ishda (pop. 12,200), Nusiz (pop. 9,100), Qalubir (pop. 15,700), Sarid (pop. 12,400), Liberation Warren (pop. 70), Island Pashaliks (Individual Entries Bureis (pop. 5,800), Yif Qayah (pop. 6,400)

Coinage: Maelstrom (pp), Whirlpool (gp), Wave (sp), Dewdrop (cp)

Population: 230,000 (Human 61% (B), Gnomes 17% (forest), Halfling 11% (hairfoot), Orc 7%, Mer-ran 3%, Other 1%)

Languages: Baklunish and Merman

Alignments: NG*, N, CN, LN, CG, NE

Religions: Geshtai*, Baklunish Pantheon, Tsolo-randril

Resources: Foodstuffs (fish and wheat), Gems I-II (amber and pearls), Timber, and Copper

Cost Multiplier: 100%

Allies: Merfolk, Wereboars (sometimes), Bakhoury Coastal Emirs (sometimes), Risay (sometimes), Janasibs (sometimes)

Enemies: Zeif, Janasibs (sometimes), Risay (sometimes)

Komali Fleet: Dromond, Quinquireme Great Galley, Trireme Merchant Galley, Coastal Xebec, Coastal Coracle (fishing boats)


Komal, the faithful of Geshtai, whose fortunes ebb and flow. Sandwiched between northern pacifists and southern lawlessness. Its Geshtai Council congregates at Lake Nain, to consult with the native nereid. Few of its citizens claim ancient ties to the Shah of the Waters. Merrans, recognized by a glossy black mane and vivid blue eyes. Its superstitious reis, captains, posit these blessed births, possess innate maritime abilities such as weather prognostication.


Its local militias, employ slingers and spearmen, whilst lancers, lance and small shield, traipse about the countryside. Even so, the private guard of the Malikah, are superb medium cavalry, composite short bows, scimitars, and chain mail. Herd of (30) elephants, a driver, archer, and pikeman. Roam happily, neither compromised by the cold nor suffer the scorching steppes.


Expansion has stretched the nation to the breaking point. Focus on the islands, means neglect at home. Thus, the contested lands beyond the Amber Hills, relies on the goodwill of the wereboars.


Sounders of the northern wereboars, covet solitude, unlike the rambunctious adolescents. Eventually, instinct compels the feral bachelors to return to the woodlands. Its orcish exiles, have integrated into the souq, and occasionally export polished amber beads to Ishda. Presence of these reviled humanoids have enraged the forest gnomes, but the orcs remain confined to the hills, unless recruited as mercenaries.


Of late, the southern exodus of the “little ones”, the insulted forest gnomes, creates tremendous embarrassment. Liberators within the Edhegion Woodlands, receive support from forest warrens within the Nasati Woodlands. Nowadays, relentless bounty hunters, prowl the southern woodlands to capture these seditious troublemakers.


Tensions within the “Baklunish breadbasket”, could rekindle the ancient ambitions of the Komali to subjugate the Sharifate. Hence, the resolve to retain, Sarid, as a toehold across the Kina River. Dreams of a matriarchal western empire; that restricts access to the Silk Pass, would overturn the equilibrium within the Baklunish basin. Elsewhere, relations with the Mersheikdom are still considered essential to its maritime aspirations. Pashaliks, Bureis and Yif Qayah, were seized to project its naval clout. Unfortunately, occupational outrages, instigated mass riots. Bureis, was lost.


Locations and Settlements within the Malikate of Komal:


Amber Hills

Edhegion Woodland

Etribia Woodland

Fahmil: Coastal Ruins. Its rubble shelters rival packs of ghasts and ghouls. Endeavors to cleanse these ruins, provide sufficient meals for the inhabitants.

Gisrab Woodlands

Ishda: Open large city of 12,200. An important industrial center. Its substantial demihuman population has created artisan monopolies, relegating most humans to mere menial laborers.

Komal: Fortified large city of 19,700. Its slender spires, and sparkling fountains bespeak ancient elegance whilst liberation memorials remind the citizens. Even so; its shipyards throb with activity as seaside establishments host aquans without comment.

Lake Nain

Liberation Warren: Fortified Forest Warren of 70. Located in the Edhegion Woodland, normally forest gnomes, wish to avoid confrontation but the bounty hunters, care little about innocence. Nasati Woodlands

Nusiz: Open small city of 9,100. It has lost its luster, to the capital, slowly became a coastal backwater. Nevertheless; its commercial harbor, still welcomes xebecs that haul sacks of wheat. Craves permission, without success, to establish a naval shipyard to revitalize its flagging circumstances.

Qalubir: Fortified large city of 15,700. Initial hopes were high, but the sustainable veins proved to be copper ones. Hazardous to excavate, the authorities resort to the conviction of its diminutive citizens, halflings thieves and gnome troublemakers, because of the cramped shafts of these murderous mines.

Rasha Woodland

Sarid: Fortified large city of 12,400. Hotly contested by the Risayli court. Makeshift rafts are launched into the Kina River, destined to feed the ravenous coastal shipwrights. Meanwhile; its woodworkers claim leftovers, harvested from the Sumtab Forest.

Silk Pass

Sumtab Forest

History: Established in 1116 BH (-1520 CY reputedly founded by Unogondur, Imperial Pretender, blessed of Istus. Ambushed in the Amber Hills; Priestesses of Geshtai, thereafter established a matriarchal council.


In 2237 BH (-422 CY), Ghayar Khan, dispatched emissaries to demand obeisance. Confronted with a refusal by the matriarchal council, the bewildered ambassadors, withdrew.


In 2246 BH (-413 CY), a nominal tribute and ratification of a Malikate, a placation to Ghayar Khan, to remain unmolested.


In 2353 BH (-306 CY), Bloody Battle of Nafiq; Gha-yar Khan, slain by Ozef the Warrior. Thereafter, Orcish Malikah, banished to the Amber Hills, otherwise confined to his capital chambers, while conducting his ceremonial duties.


In 2811 BH (152 CY), Sultanate of Zeif; hires privateers to sail the central chain, provokes naval skir-mishes with the Locathah.


In 2813 BH (154 CY), Sultan Beroz, announces his intention to colonize the Qayah-Bureis Islands.


In 2872 BH (213 CY), Flush with victory; a triumphant Zeifan fleet occupied the Komali coastal cities. Desperate to sustain the liberation struggle, entreaties were sent to the demihumans.


As Komali, attention resided on its coastal cities, another threat emerged. Brazen Horde, burst forth from the Verdured Heights, to plunder the mines of the western foothills.


In 2958 BH (299 CY), these northern raiders migrated into the Baklunish basin, rehabilitating Komali resistance.


In 3095 BH (436 CY), Battle Beneath the Waves, a Komali-merfolk ambush, decimated the Zeifan fleet. Reclaimed the Komali coastal cities, culminating in the seizure of the Zeifan island possessions. Following mass riots; Bureis was abandoned, but Yif Qayah, has been retained. Elsewhere, the rising regional tension, have convinced the Komali, to support the Janasibs.

Beyond the Capital

Its coastal cities, evolved into commercial centers. Meanwhile, foothill mines, yield copper ore. Elsewhere, halfling farmsteads of the Kina River, are acknowledged as the “breadbasket of the Baklunish west”.


Crag. Beyond the Flanaess: Gulf of Ghayar Gazetteer, 2023


Geography of Zeif

Bakhoury Coast

Enemies sometimes

Enemies sometimes

Enemies sometimes

Enemies sometimes


Enemies sometimes



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