
Proper Name: Sharifate of Risay

Heraldry: Red and Brown Field, Golden Hammer

Ruler: Sharif Siani Mehani Roxana (Female Fighter/Cleric 5/4; AL CN (CG))

Government: Feudal Monarchy (The Peoples’ Chamber)

Rulership: Low (Risay Very Low (Elsewhere) Capital: Risay (pop. 31,000)

Major Towns: Afyal (pop. 15,700), Chosroes (pop. 16,500), Qurim (pop. 1,500), Sassan (pop. Unknown), Azati (pop. 16,900), Pinbar (pop. 330), Valdar (pop. 3,820)

Coinage: Oasis (pp), Spindles (gp), Palms (ep), Spires (sp), Shells (cp)

Population: 154,800 (Human 48% (B), Dwarf 12% (hill and mountain), Elf 21% (grey and high), Gnomes 8% (forest and rock), Halfling 7% (hairfoot, stout and tallfellow), Half-Elf 2%, Genie-kind 1% (janni), Other 1%)

Languages: Baklunish, Oeridian, Shinyu (Celestial Imperium), Demihuman Races

Alignments: CN*, N, LN, CE, NE, CG

Religions: Istus*, Baklunish Pantheon and Demi-human Pantheons Resources: Gold, Gems (I-III), Trade Nexus, Foodstuffs (fish and wheat), Livestock (camels and steppe ponies), Laressea Luxuries (fruit liqueurs and medicinal herbs)

Cost Multiplier: 150%

Allies: Centaurs of the Dry Steppes, Dwarven Kingdom of the Golden Caverns, Elvenholme of the Laressea Forest, Komal (sometimes), Celestial Imperium (sometimes)

Enemies: Zeif, Komal (sometimes), Celestial Imperium (sometimes), Paynim (mistrusted)

Risayli Fleet: Coastal Xebec, Coastal Coracle (fishing boats)

Magical Items: Apparatus of Namkin Jebdar


Come visit Risay, borne out of the historical frus-trations of its disparate peoples. Encompassing a coastal port, kasbah town, trade nexus, southeastern hills and the southwestern steppes.


Geographical position, astride the Silk Road, necessitates a robust military to safeguard the celestial caravans, essential to international commerce. Distributed from Kanak, via Mouqollad Consortium, destined for the marketplaces of the Flanaess.


Constant threat of the Komali and the Paynim, contributes to a sense of apprehensiveness. Its medium cavalry, has proven effective against the hit and run tactics of the paynim tribes, especially when augmented by longbowmen. In contrast; its northernmost boundary, is secured by light infantry, whilst infantry, garrison the cities. Risay, parades (20) elephants; driver, archer and spearman, through the wide streets, to celebrate monarchical births.


Halfling slingers and dwarven heavy infantry, can be raised in a national crisis. Obviously; the rasayli court, believe the elves of the Laressea Forest, and the bediyan tribes, will also send assistance. Furthermore; completion of a naval shipyard at Chosroes, could indicate maritime aspirations.


By all accounts; Sharif Siani Mehani Roxana, is a shrewd sovereign. Friendship with the Centaurs of the Dry Steppes, causes mistrust with the latest “Mahdi”. Regardless; centaurs, escort the celestial caravans across the sweltering steppes.


Locations and Settlements within the Sharifate of Risay:


Afyal: Walled large city of 15,700. Dwarven ma-sons have provided their expertise but its narrow gates create problems. Forgotten in a subterranean storeroom, lies the Apparatus of Namkin Jebdar, Destination for the fleeing forest gnomes, before resettlement within the Nasati Woodlands. Heartbreaking testimonials, incite heated debates in the Risayli Peoples’ Chamber.

Azati (Life Sight): Walled Citadel of 16,900. Court of the Chivalric Elvenholme of the Laressea Forest. Rumors; proclaim the stones pulse with arcane energies. Sweet smelling cedars, brace high elven tree towns, whilst the tangled ancient roots conceal tallfellow thorps. Isolation is impractical, trustworthy halflings, act as mercantile liaisons, to the Sharifate of Risay.

Bediyan Desert

Chosroes: Open small city of 9,500. Petitions to erect a battle memorial, Council Mounds, but the Sharif, refuses to consider the expenditure. Its newly constructed naval shipyard could birth Risayli dromonds, but needs to secure a source of timber.

Elvenholme of the Laressea Forest

The Kina River

Nasati Forest

Pinbar (Free Shadow): Fortified Grotto of 330. Its livid rock gnomes, shelter harried woodland gnomes. Fervent liberators, aid the “runners”, to cross the Kina River, whilst impassioned representatives raise the issue in the Peoples Chamber…

Kingdom of the Golden Caverns

Qurim: Kasbah town of 1,500. Relinquishes the caravans to the Centaurs of the Dry Steppes. Its sordid merchants, tempt travelers to indulge their vilest vices. Longbowmen, billet in a squat tower, to restrain the sensulla marauders. Nevertheless; paynim, still frequent its souq, buying fledgling blood hawks (5,000 GP).

Risay: Fortified metropolis of 31,000. Centralized location has shaped its destiny. Keen to enhance its regional prestige, thus grandiose renovations are debated. Goldsmith Ghetto, a guild of mountain dwarves, whom refuse to welcome the hill dwarven masons into their mansions. Moreover; its studs, sire superior steeds, but cost twice the standard amount. However; these rare equines, enabled the creation of its medium cavalry.


Sassan: Coastal Ruins. Overwhelmed in a surprise assault by the Locathah. Its residents have been transformed into drowned ones, sea zombies.

Valdar (Magical Hearthplace): Fortified Outpost of 3,820.Non-dwarves; seldom are welcomed beyond the commerce chamber, Trade Dorf. Since the mercantile uprising; mountain dwarves, immigrated to this artisan outpost of the Kingdom of the Golden Caverns,

History: In 2262 BH (-397 CY), countless refugees fled the Twin Cataclysms. Escalated into violence on the Dry Steppes. Elsewhere, emigrants managed to gain concessions from the inhabitants. Summoned genies enabled the survival of these isolated hamlets. Once the situation stabilized, Oeridians and humanoid hordes, descended on them, plundered and then moved on.


In 2917 BH (258 CY One after another; isolated settlements were razed. Until the southern cities, shared martial resources to confront these northern plunderers.


In 2958 BH (299 CY northeast of Chosroes, at the Council Mounds, The Brazen Horde was halted, hereafter migrated eastwards at Zeifan invitation, and good riddance to them.


In 3192 BH (533 CY earnest invitations were sent forth, the assembled representatives, reached a resolution, a new nation.


Sharif; Vamil Ghamir Roxana, conferred with the grey elves, Laressea Forest, then suspended the celestial caravans until formal recognition was achieved.


Paynim, contest its claims to the southeastern steppes, whom assert that the tribal sheikhs of the Bediyan Desert, bestows on them, proprietary rights to the trade nexus.


Marauders, raid the celestial caravans, but the kasbah, and its long-bowmen, as well as the friendship pact with the centaurs, preserves the Risayli grasp on the silk road.


Merchants complain about the increased caravan tolls, since the adoption of the philosophy of the souq, but the traditional bribes, still expedite custom inspections. Dervishes, request an audience to proclaim the “Mahdi’s Message”.


Since her accession, Siani Mehani Roxana, has been beset by marriage proposals. Including a proposed matriarchal merger to unite Komal and Risay, via a ceremonial union between the Malikah and the Sharif, as Unogondur, blessed of Istus, a fateful symbol of this inevitable union. Lastly; the naval shipyard of Chosroes, foreshadows maritime aspirations…


Beyond the Capital

Struggles to maintain its extensive territorial claims. Essential to its cohesion are the celestial caravans, but the Elvenholme of the Laressea Forest and Dwarven Kingdom of the Golden Caverns], also wield considerable influence. Unbeknownst; the halfling farmsteads of the Kina River, invite its northern bank relatives to celebration feasts. Known as the “breadbasket of the Baklunish west”, these cheerful little farmers, can cause serious short-ages, via procrastination of the cereal shipments.


Crag. Beyond the Flanaess: Gulf of Ghayar Gazetteer, 2023


Geography of Zeif

Bakhoury Coast

Enemies sometimes


Enemies sometimes



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