Dimàn Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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While not well known for their religious beliefs, the Seguleh people are in fact deeply spiritual. The Dìmàn are the shepherds of this spirituality, and offer tutelage in the teachings of Xan Yae.   Few Seguleh lack martial prowess and the Dìmàn are no exception despite their spiritual calling. Some might call them warrior priests or divine monks, but for the Dìmàn there is no distinction between spreading the teachings of Xan Yae and the pursuit of perfection. These twilight acolytes practice what they preach.


Each Dìmàn is a church unto him or herself. Services are held wherever the Lady of Perfection wills her followers to go. Unlike the Baimiàn, rank is not recognized in any way discernable to outsiders. It is likely that some internal structure exists, but the stylized blue caligraphy in the shape of a lotus blossom on the mask of each Dìmàn's miàn does not offer any insight into what this may be.   Rumors abound of a great temple to Xan Yae somewhere within the Seguleh Atoll, but no outsider has ever seen it. Given the shrouded nature of Xen Yae's followers, it is likely that even if an outsider somehow made it far enough to stand in front of the temple, they would still be unable to discern its presense. If such a place exists, its guardian would surely represent the most honored and respected among the Dìmàn.


From a cultural standpoint, the Dìmàn represent one of the most prestigious and honored traditions of the Way of the Mind. They are considered paragons of virtue and dedicate their lives not just to the pursuit of perfection, but to encouraging such aspirations in others. Dìmàn are even known to spread their teachings to cultures outside the Seguleh. Such missionary work involves a vigorous vetting of groups or individuals who may be open to the "whispers" of Xan Yae. Those who abuse these sacred teachings, or who commit sacrilege in her name, are hunted down and "removed" from the Qiyuán'zhòu.   Blue calligraphy is used to accentuate the Miàn of Dìmàn Duskmantles. This calligraphy most often depicts a lotus blossom.

Do, or Do Not. There is no Try.

Alternative Names
Duskmantles, Whisperers, The Black Lotus Brotherhood
Related Ethnicities


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