Human Species in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Humans are the humanoid race that most dominates the culture and politics of the Flanaess, and possibly other parts of Oerth as well. They were widespread, could be found in most regions and, in general, were fierce and disagreeable, which could sometimes lead certain other races to view them with contempt. They were renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lacked specialization, they could excel in many areas.  


The physical features of the humans are as different as the world’s climates. Their cheekbones may be broad or high, lips full or thin, and noses flat or aquiline, eyes range widely in hue. Human hair colour, bone structure, and eye colour differ immensely from one locale to another. They are specified by their bodily decoration, not only in the jewelry or clothing worn but also in elaborate hairstyles, tattooing, scarification, and piercing. On average they stand about 4′7″‒6′1″ (1.4‒1.9 m) tall and weigh 89‒245 lb (40‒111 kg).   Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century.


Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. They have widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands where they have settled. When they settle, though, they stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great kingdoms that can persist for long centuries. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.   Where a single elf or dwarf might take on the responsibility of guarding a special location or a powerful secret, humans found sacred orders and institutions for such purposes. While dwarf clans and halfling elders pass on the ancient traditions to each new generation, human temples, governments, libraries, and codes of law fix their traditions in the bedrock of history. Humans dream of immortality, but (except for those few who seek undeath or divine ascension to escape death’s clutches) they achieve it by ensuring that they will be remembered when they are gone. Although some humans can be xenophobic, in general their societies are inclusive. Human lands welcome large numbers of nonhumans compared to the proportion of humans who live in nonhuman lands.  


The origins of humanity, and what god or gods might have created them, is a much-disputed subject, and myths vary wildly from culture to culture. Most stories have humans created by multiple gods working in concert or competition.   It is known that the Flannae people have lived in the Flanaess for thousands of years, but they were not the first to settle the subcontinent, nor were they the last. During the Great Migrations, the Baklunish, Oeridians, and Suloise fled the desolation of the Twin Cataclysms, many of them entering the Flanaess and conquering its lands, changing their character and destiny. Since then the various migrants have warred and blended with one another and with the Flan, resulting in humanity as it is known today.   Other groups, like the Olmans, dwell largely outside the Flanaess and their heritage has not blended there to any great extent.  


While the majority of human cultures in the Flanaess have become relatively similar to eachother, most people can trace their ancestry back to a specific culture or heritage. These heritages are generally divided into several groups:
  • Baklunish: The Baklunish people are mostly found in the far western regions of the Flanaess. Somewhat like the Suel, the Baklunish naturally gravitate toward magic. They are known for inventing new elemental spells. Their reputation for magic is due to the Rain of Colourless Fire that the Baklunish loosed upon the Suel Imperium a millennium ago.
  • Flannae: These are considered the original peoples of the Flannaes. This is also where the term “Flanaess” has come from. This group of people were originally nomads with probably no permanent cities, and were violently dispersed throughout the Flanaess by the Suel and Oeridians a thousand years ago. The Flannae prefer the open outdoors to cities and tend to have habits such as planting a tree next to the door of their home. If that tree should die or fall sick, it could mean the family should move or some sort of evil influence is about.
  • Oeridians: When the warlike Oeridians came to the Flanaess from the west, they eventually took most of the lands upon which the current-day fiefdoms of the Flanaess rest. They put much emphasis on combat and are always striving to better tactics by improving weapons and armour as well as inventing new types of arms, magical armour and magical combat spells.
  • Olman: The ancient Olman culture originated in Hepmonaland, and a large part of their race migrated westward across chains of islands and settled in present day Amedio, to the far south of the Flanaess. While relatively unknown in the rest of the Flanaess, they often live in city-states and are noted for their massive pyramid-like structures, used in their sacrificial rituals.
  • Rhennee: The Rhennee are strangers to this world, or so their legends say. Inveterate wanderers, they are mostly found as travellers and entertainers with talents ranging far and wide, but most commonly involving storytelling, acting, and music. They spend their lives on the road in caravans called “troupes”, moving from city to city to perform for the local populace. Lone Rhennee often become skilled bards in their own right. Some of these troupes are sponsored by a wealthy patron, often a local ruler, who allows them to use his name and colours, and to travel freely under his protection. In exchange, the patron expects them to perform in his court for part of the year, and to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect well upon his reputation. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement, as the patron gains notoriety as a tasteful and artistic individual, while the troupe gains financial support and the patron's influence to help overcome suspicion wherever they travel. Sadly, some common folk mistrust and reproach the truly free Rhennee, who consequently developed many traditions to establish a tight-knit community. Their dress tends to the flamboyant and stylish, incorporating the colours of a wealthy patron if the troupe has one.
  • Suloise: The Suel have strong family ties as well as a strong bond for ancestral heritage. They are short tempered and opinionated to the point that there is a popular saying in the Flanaess: “when all the Suloise have left the table,” meaning nothing will get accomplished until everyone has an open mind with the matter at hand. They tend to be very dexterious and most tend toward magic. The Suel have a long line of wizardry and production of powerful magic finally producing the Invoked Devastation that destroyed the Baklunish Empire from the Suel Imperium.
Less than a century
Average Height
4′7″ ‒ 6′1″ / 1.4 ‒ 1.9  metres
Average Weight
89 ‒ 245  pounds / 40 ‒ 111 kilogrammes


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