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Greyhawkian History

I talked to everyone and it seems like the history of Greyhawk is a little hard to follow, which makes sense. I'm giving the initial founding of Greyhawk as the starting date even though it happened a good deal ago and will add as you uncover more about the history of the continent. I'm using tidbits about the canon lore of Faerun, but literally none of any other canon lore. This specifically affects the lore surrounding the Gods of Greyhawk besides their alignments.     I'm using years in a very clear format instead of giving specific dates since the overall history is quite long and I wanted it to be easy to read. This means that the most recent events are at the top of the timeline and the ones farthest from the present are at the bottom.

  • 40

    The Battle of Gundry
    Military action

    The only direct and major battle between the Rebellion and the Council.

  • 125

    The True Rise of the Rebellion

    This was when the Rebellion as it is seen today really began to take form and shape, having the organization and manpower to overtake large areas of the South.

  • 160

    9 /6

    The Battle of Balmoral
    Military action

    4862. In response to an ask for help from the high elves of Evereska, the High Council sent 145 paladins and 40 war clerics to engage Aerisi Kalinoth, leader of the Air cult, in battle.

  • 170

    The Capital Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    When the humans and half-elves forced from the capital took refuge between Olarius and Aresith, the Council ordered for them all to be cut down and pushed out of Greyhawk.

  • 175

    16 /11

    The Assassination of Volynae Adris
    Cultural event

    175 years ago, a daughter of the high council family of Adris was assassinated in the main square of Olarius by a human attacker, said to be of the rebellion.

  • 350

    Segregation in Schools
    Political event

    4674. The council gradually began to add new laws that discriminated against non-elven races over about a hundred years.

  • The Founding of Greyhawk
    The Founding of Greyhawk
    Era beginning/end

    This marks when the high elves from Faerun defeated the two dragons and laid the foundation for the capital city of Olarius. Greyhawk has been a nation for nearly 24,000 years.