The Party
The Protagonists of the Gems of Porion Campaign.
Each party member recieved a letter from Torbin asking for assistance in preventing a war between the human and elven kingdoms. Since meeting him he has provided us with quests and we've accomplished them in order to get political allies on Torbin's side. In return he has treated our group kindly with assistance in some unfortunate situations.
Shared Secrets
Both parties are aware of the rogue sorcerer Rori's note implicating Lady Eredith and Jeziah Goodwin in the burning of the Porisian Forests.
The Party has succeeded on the quests that we were given by Vendys. While he is indifferent to us, he has pledged his support for Torbin.
This crazy disintegrated Amon Lightbringer, thinking she was judge, jury, and executioner while she is none of the above. She also looks down on the people of the city, so she may not see too many more seasons.