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Gyedvar Wastes

The Gyedvar Wastes were a land struck by great meteors of Ederstone millennia ago and have become mutated and hostile. The land is too wild, too uncontrollable for any state to hold, and is extremely dangerous for unprepared intruders.    Many communities live in the Gyedvar wastes: longtime residents, cults, eccentrics, and merchants all have made their home here against the odds. Starspawn that are mutated beyond recognition and have become enthralled to the will of the wasteland also live here, sometimes even in harmony with the other residents.


The Gyedvar wastes are 210 miles across and 155 miles long. The Northern border is a militarized fortress-wall operated by the Empire of Eketen, and militarized forts of Eketen and the Kingdom of Arvarun make the Western border (and much of the Southern border) as well. The rest of the Southern border is made of the Yuteka Mountains, an imposing mountain range most of the local plains-adapted creatures here struggle to enter or survive in. To the East is the Rukohst Wastes - a large Ederstone-tainted desert.    The Wastes here have 3 large Ederstone meteors that work together to irradiate the land: The Twinspires in the West and the Screeching Pit in the East.    The Twinspire meteors are embedded in organically-growing mountainous spires, which have steadily risen into the air with impossibly steep proportions. Whenever a storm passes through, the two spires light up the sky with lightning that soars unnaturally between them. That can be quite the sight, as they are 45 plus miles apart. Every eclipse, Starspawn enthralled by the respective towers meet in between them to dance and frolic, leading to a myth that each tower has an imprisoned spirit that is in love with the other. The Twinspire wastes are less cute than the story: it is still a very dangerous wasteland that slowly consumes all who enter.   North of the Twinspire wasteland is Hunterscairn, plain with intermittent forests, shrubland, and grassland. While the Hunterscairn has a pretty mundane (if beautifully mutated) landscape, the creatures there are lightning fast and extremely dangerous. The tribes that live there are expert hunters and mercenaries. Many an adventurer or expert hunter comes to the Hunterscairn seeking pelts and glory, but few survive.   South of the Twinspire wasteland is Kimneer, the Grass Sea. The mutated grasses here rise incredibly high, are extremely fire resistant, and are extremely nutritious. The land is extremely flat and consistent, and appears even more flat because of the way the grass works: regardless of when the land dips or rises, the grass grows to the exact same level in every part of Kimneer. So if the land dips into a basin, the grass simply grows higher to match the height of the grass not in the basin. This leads to the "Deep grass" - basins of very high grass that contain unique ecosystems. Kimneer isn't as dangerous predator-wise as Hunterscairn (though the longgrasses do harbor dangerous predators indeed), but getting lost there is a death sentence. Only the native communities can navigate the land successfully, and they use this to escape all forms of conquest or tribute.    East of the Twinspires is the Ever Burning Forest. This forest is a subtropical temperate forest (think North Alabama), but with a twist: as you might expect, the trees here are often on fire. The trees here have entered a symbiotic relationship with Ederstone-twisted organisms of living fire, which slowly feed on the wispy tinder-branches the trees provide. The endless smoke is home to its own ecosystem of gaseous beings that hunt one another. The twist on this twist is that other Ederstone-twisted life that isn't specifically adapted to the Forest often suffocates or burns, making it incredibly safe for anyone who has mastered survival here. The local communities live very carefully, but very securely. Fun Fact: the Ever-Burning Forest was once called the Breathwoods before the fire-ecosystem took hold several centuries ago.    The Scorched Plains lie to the East of all this. The name is a misnomer. These are not flat grassy plains, but rocky, barren shrubland with steep hills and deep gorges. And the sun does most of the scorching, not fire. It is an inhospitable land, though its great lumbering beasts can sometimes contain precious metals inside them.    In the middle of the Scorched Plains you've got the Screeching Pit itself. There's not much to explain here: it is a very, very deep pit with a sudden and sheer dropoff. Acrid, poisonous fog obscures the depths of said pit. The pit constantly emits a series of screeches and shrieks that cause Prisms to go catatonic and experience visions. The usual.
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