

Barrunkilldon is technically a self-governed state allied with the Nelevari Dominion and ruled by the Alderman's Council. Practically, the Alderman's Council has little to no power without the approval of the presiding Architect Erland de Cáceres since the city's isolation means it requires resources from the mainland to sustain itself.   Still, the Alderman's Council influences the people far more than the Nelevari rulers. It is comprised of Alderman from 5 of the 6 main disticts (Stormward, Ironside, Goldenridge, Highspire, Gilded Cliffs) for a total of 10 on the council. Each Alderman is chosen by those in his distrcit to represent them to the Nelevari. Notably, The Tangles does not have an Alderman on the council. While in spirit the council represents a way for people to voice concerns and demand change from Nelevar, the Alderman have been carefully curated by the Nelevari to support the needs of Nelevar over the locals.


A large wall, reinforced with iron and armed with arcane cannons, guards against invasion from the land to the south. Natural incline to the terrain also offers an extensive view of the surrounding sea and the city is designed in such a way as to seal off its lower docks in the case of a naval assault. In addition, shortly after the conclusion of the Ontalian War, a moat was dug to exntend the nature river inlet from one shore to another to further seal off the city from land.

Industry & Trade

As a port city, Barrunkilldon dedicates a large portion of its area to docks and warehouses along with the industries to support the trade passing through. Notably, it posseses a newly built Zellium Refinery and a special dock to support up to 4 Froreketches. Blacksmiths, tanners, cobbler, and carpeneters also make their home near the docks, ready to service the many passing crews of mechant vessels.   This large influx of industry is not yet fully spported by the rest of the city's infrastructure; waste is simply released into the streets without a functional sewage system, arcane byproducts from refining are not properly contained, and housing lags behind the population influx. Still, since nearly ever ship headed to or from Nelevar passes through the city, there is enough coin to be made that the stench of city can be ignored for a time.



Located in the uppermost terraces, along the cliffs and highest points of the city, the Highspire is home to the elite of Barrunkilldon, including the Architect and foreign officials. It features grand estates, palatial homes, and administrative buildings built by Nelevar. Magical enhancements are most prevalent here, with enchanted fortifications, and magical wards that protect the district from threats.  

Gilded Cliffs

Along the northern cliffs lies the market district of the city where trade flourishes. Primarily catering to a richer class of customers, one shopping in Gilded Cliffs can find art, jewlry, and many things of fine craftsmanship. Most shops are owned by foreigners hoping to grab a cut of the traffic through the city. This leads most locals to disdain and ignore the district, though some still sneak into the Moonlit Petals.  


Ironside is the industrial heart of Barrunkilldon, where the blacksmiths, Quinticals, and other heavy industries operate. In the midst of the city along the mid-level terraces, it is the most desirable if one wants to make a profit and least desirable if one want to breathe conformtably. The salty sea spray combined with the smoke and singe of arcane dross creates a dense smog across the whole district.  


The Stormward encompasses Barrunkilldon's primary port and docks, magically terraformed to fit within the rocky cliff base. This bustling district is where goods are imported and exported, and where sailors, dockworkers, and merchants gather. Large warehouses, shipyards, and market stalls line the docks. Many ships dock here, with goods flowing in from foreign lands, making this a cosmopolitan and chaotic part of the city.  

The Tangles

A densely packed district where much of Barrunkilldon’s native population lives, The Tangles is a maze of narrow streets, tightly packed houses, and small businesses. This district grew organically as the city expanded, resulting in a chaotic, labyrinthine layout. Buildings here are stacked on top of each other, often with rope bridges and suspended walkways connecting them. The population is split between Orhvaran and Mirthen families, many of whom can trace back generations that have lived in the city. Given the history, these two groups are constantly infighting and causing trouble, leading to The Tangels reputation as a dangerous ghetto of the city. Set below the Ironside district, it inherits many of the problems of that district with few of the benefits further adding to the tension.  


Named for the golden hue the cliffs take on at sunset, Goldenridge is Barrunkilldon’s residential district that many of the more well-to-do folks call home. Though much of the city’s food is imported, Goldenridge produces excellent aged liquour that is a time-honed tradition for the city enhanced by its salty atmosphere.  

The Sunsalt Castilla

Sunsalt is a small, heavily fortified section of the city facing the strait. It serves as an outpost that protects the city from sea-based attacks. Its towering lighthouse and beacon, magically enhanced to cut through the thickest fog and storms, guide ships into the city’s harbor. Sunkeep serves as both a military outpost and a sanctuary for magical study, with a small group of wizards and scholars stationed here to maintain the city’s magical defenses.  

The Old Castle

Built by the original Orhvari inhabitants and later occupied by the first Mirathen to conquer the city, this once great castle is now nothing more than an abandoned fort dwarved by the city's walls and lefy crumbling in the shadow of the Castilla. Unused for decades, many rumors have spread about the castle; included are ones revolving a haunting by a malavolent sea banshee and the castle's use as a headquarters for an assassin's guild.

Guilds and Factions


The Free Mantle

The Free Mantle is a political and mercantile guild within Barrunkilldon that seeks the cities needs first before paying any attention to ruling powers or foreign intrists. Led by Thorburn Harrow, the group is subtely pushing for the independence of the city from both Nelevari and Mirtahen influence. It works towards this goal both legally and covertly, using their influence to bribe officials, call-in favors, and build relationships with sympathetic individuals. Though aware of this group, the Nelevari rulers of the region are hesitant to interfere directly as The Free Mantle has the support of the majority of the people of the city and the Alderman is well loved.  

The Union of Mirath

A recent but growing group, this faction includes traders with strong ties to Mirath and citizens who feel culturally and spiritually aligned with Mirath’s traditions. The Union advocates for a peaceful transition to becoming part of Mirath, believing that Mirath’s strong military might, nearby land routes, and established history as a world power would allow Barrunkilldon to flourish. This group operates from within The Tangles and is actively being hunted by Nelevari officials to root out their leader, a mysterious figure known as "The Gray Spinner."  

The Fane of the Shattered Dawn

The Fane of the Shattered Dawn is a fanatical religious group that believes in the coming of an apocalyptic event, where the dawn will shatter, signaling the end of the current world and the birth of a new one under the rule of their god. The group worships a dark deity associated with decay and renewal, and they believe that only the faithful will survive the coming catastrophe. They engage in secretive rituals, often involving blood sacrifice, and have a growing influence in the lower districts of Barrunkilldon.    


The Azureclast Host

The The Azureclast Host has a strong presence in the city, with nearly every Soulforged part of it.  

The Wavewardens

The Wavewardens have an output in the Stormward district and are fairly active in expeditions into the Bristengotan Strait.


Barrunkilldon was founded in 980 S.J. by a group of Mirathen settlers looking to build a fortress to control another part of the Bristengotan Strait. At the time, the city was nothing more than a hovel part of the recently conquered nation of Orhvar. The settlers ended up establishing the city formally, but the Empire decided to invest resources into another location which would later become the city of Helsht.   Left without its former purpose but with an influx of settlers from Mirath, Barrunkilldon developed into a merchant port city. The native's Orhvar culture slowly assimilated the settlers and the city never fully adopted the ways of the empire that conquered it. Around 1040 S.J., it was one of few Mirathen cities to open its ports to ships of any nation. This catapulted it to the forefront of merchant captain's minds as an excellent port to stop and refresh supplies while traveling the Coricut Sea. The city's relative isolation from the politics of the rest of its nation allowed it to flourish it quickly became an often visited place for ships of import.   At the onset of the Ontalian War, a large navel force of ships from Nelevar and Astravar combined to overwhelm the city's relatively week defenses. Over the course of the war, they tranformed the city into the fortress it was originally designed to be. During this time, it served as a naval base for many operations against the Mirathen Empire. At the conclusion of the war, the city remained in Nelevari control and slowly transitioned back into the mercantile city-state before the war.


Barrunkilldon boasts a large variety of architecture that looks at odds with itself at times, speaking the the city's history of changing hands. Ornate stone facades, archways, and wrought iron balconies are added to fortresses, towers, and city buildings, blending the military pragmatism with artistic touches. Red-tiled roofs and white stucco walls might are a common sight in newer districts built by Nelevar, but contrast sharply with the thatchwork roofs present from the Orhvar influence in the older portions of the city.   Mirath influence also brings touches of decorative fountains, central courtyards, and once-colorful mosaics. The city's architecture also evolves the elements with heavy, practical structures built into the cliffs, designed to withstand both the elements and sieges. These fortifications have thick stone walls, small arrow slits, and watchtowers perched precariously on the cliffs.


Barrunkilldon is perched dramatically atop towering cliffs at the tip of a rugged peninsula, its fortress-like walls blending seamlessly with the natural rock formations. The city sprawls along the cliffside, with narrow, winding streets that ascend and descend sharply between tiers of buildings and fortifications. The heart of the city, near the peninsula's edge, has been painstakingly terraformed, with massive stone platforms cut into the cliffs, leading down to a bustling dock at sea level. This dock, nestled into the base of the cliffs, is protected from the worst of the ocean's fury by the peninsula's natural shape, creating a safe harbor. Stairs, ramps, and pulley systems connect the docks to the upper city, where watchtowers overlook the sea, and steep drops to the water below create a natural defense against invaders.


Being surrounded by water, the city benefits from the moderating effects of the ocean, keeping winters relatively mild and summers cool compared to inland regions. The temperature might rarely dip below freezing or rise above comfortable levels, making it livable year-round. This would make it a desirable place to live except for the dismal humidity, with frequent rain and fog, especially in the mornings and evenings. In addition to strong winds the buffet the city with salty spray from the sea, the temperature really is the only desirable element of climate here.

Natural Resources

Given Barrunkilldon's nature as a fortress and its coastal location, it depends on imports for many necessities. The surrounding land of the Orhvar pennisula has poor soil quality for farming due to high salt content. However, this high salt content creates natural "salt marshes" that are excellent sources of salt to harvest. The salt is valuable for preservation, seasoning, and trade, and is always in need for a port city. Fishing is a major source of food for the city's locals and they have access to the wonderful stock of fish and shellfish available in the Bristengotan Strait. More rarely, an alchemist may seek out the moss that grows along the cliffs near Barrunkilldon which is unique to the salty climate.
“Perched defiantly on the cliff’s edge, Barrunkilldon stands as a fortress of ambition and conflict. From its labyrinthine streets and graceful arches to the ever-present mist cloaking its secrets, the city is a testament to the enduring struggle between autonomy and allegiance. As its famalies dream of independence and its merchants dream of coin, Barrunkilldon remains a beacon of intrigue in a world where the tide of fate is as unpredictable as the sea itself.”


  • Barrunkilldon
Founding Date
980 S.J.
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
  • Human: 40%
  • Stonehoof: 26%
  • Elvespian: 15%
  • Swarmling: 12%
  • Varath: 6%
  • Soulforged: 1%
  • Etymology

      Barrunkilldon inherits its name from a combination of three root words. The root "Barrun" is believed to derive from an ancient maritime deity worshipped by early settlers of the region. This deity, known as Bar'rún, was said to protect sailors and fishermen from the treacherous coastal waters surrounding the peninsula. The middle segment, "Kill", means "creek" or "narrow water channel." This part of the name reflects Barrunkilldon's origins as a small settlement near a winding inlet that once served as a natural harbor. "Don" likely stems from two sources. Meaning "hill" or "fortified place," which connects to the idea of the city being founded near defensible high ground on the peninsula. Together, Barrunkilldon carries a layered meaning: "The Protected Fortress by the Sea."    

    People of Barrunkilldon

    Thorburn Harrow. Half-Stonehoof Male, Alderman of the City and leader of the Free Mantle.   Eldric Thalden. Human Male, Shipwright and master shipbuilder.   Kaeldin Ordvar. Stonehoof Male, Master of the Merchant's Guild in the city.   Ingrun Forsdottir. Human Female, Harbormaster   Haldor Braegson. Human Male, Blacksmith   Anahid Torresgrim. Stonehoof Male. Tavernkeep.   Leyla Caldervald. Stonehoof Female, Quintical   Soraya Thalvera. Human Female, Sorceress and shopkeeper.   Soren Rotzmivald. Elvespian Male, Retired Vetran of the Ontalian War, owns a weapons shop.   Ilarion Castillar. Elvespian Male, Captian of the Guard   Velen Castillar. Elvespian Female, Shopekeep of the Lost Grove   Lucero Alvéniz. Human Male. Lumaryimist.   Solana Rocafiera. Varath Female. Bodyguard to the Alderman.

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