Spell Languages

To master a Teli Theora is to hold a conversation with the essence of creation. Each syllable, a ripple in reality. Yet, whether you speak in the tongue of fire or whisper in the language of wind, the universe listens. - Orjani Sealseeker

A Gift From The Gods

Spell languages, or the "Teli Theora", define the way in which a mage formalizes the instructions that guide Quintessence. Handed down from the gods, each language's original recipient was a singular race, but they have since become known to all races in the modern study of magic. From these original divine languages, mortals of Halor have attempted to scribe their own, to little success. While the underlying mechanics that are elucidated in each language remain unchanged, some unknown power prevents a mortal's take on syntax and grammar from recreating the miracles of the divine letters.   Spell languages are not spoken languages, despite the name. They are more akin to a logographic representation of magical principles with strict rules for interaction similar to mathematics. However, unlike mathematics, each language has a specific syntax that binds it that is unique to the language itself and not the underlying principles it represents. This means that many spells are designed in a pseudo-script of a spell language often colloquially referred to as "Quill". While not every magical effect must come from a spell, spells greatly enhance the consistency, reproducibility, and safety of such effects. Once codified in a language upon a medium, the script "becomes" a spell through an enchantment process that involves Quintessence. The beauty of such a "spell scroll" is that any individual who understands the language can link their Quadressence to the effect described by the language innately, thus gaining the ability to cast the spell. Rote memorization and training can achieve the same intimate understanding of a spell, allowing it to be cast at any time sans spell scroll, but the skill to do some requires many years of training. Thus, spell languages are not simply a means to describe magic, but a medium to democratize it.   To those invested in the theory of arcane arts, the intricacies of each language offer meaningful choices when crafting spells; for the modern mage, if the spell can be read, it can be cast. Functionally, each language can be used to recreate the spell of any other, but not necessarily with equal effort. This creates a market of desirability around Wizards that can scribe spells and in mages that can cast in multiple languages. Grasping all languages is an achievable task in current times given persistent study as one only needs to master three.  


Each spell language is prefixed with "Tel" which translates roughly to "will". Thus, each language can be translated as "Will of God" for the particular deity. This list is non-exhaustive, but covers the vast majority of spell languagues used in Thrail.  


Tel'Alu was gifted by Alu to Humans. It is the most accessible, easy, and common spell language.  


Tel'Vara was gifted by Haukri to Varathi. It is considered difficult and complex to learn. It is common though not often the first choice.  


Tel'Zen was gifted by Ezengli to Elvespian. It is considered an elegant language with a higher barrier to entry considering is difference from any other. It uses very few rules compared to other languages, allowing the scribe more control but also imposing a higher burden of effort.  


Tel'Nith was gifted by Nithani to specific representatives of each race on Halor, including Swarmlings. Kept secret amongst her followers for years, its esoteric and meandering script embodies the Silent Mother, but makes for a poor toolset of spell creation. While studied and occasionally exercised as an experiment, this difficult language is rarely used.  


Bestowed to mortals without concern for race, Velhaggi created this spell language to be convoluted, difficult, and tricky to scibe. Few attempt to ascertain its full nature as it seemingly defies the intent of the scriber and is more of a relic of curiosity than a practiced language.  


Sossurik is a forbidden and mostly unknown spell language theorized to be used by demons and devils for the creation of spells. The few pieces of knowledge around its existence come enitrely from earwitness accounts of hearing it spoken and no written instance of it has been found.


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