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Caelcoa is a small nation located in Londthas on the continent's northern isle, Nilenahil. Caelcoa, like the other states of Londthas, contains a majority Elven population and is considered one of the three main Elven kingdoms. Caelcoa, while not the smallest of the three in terms of geographic size, is the least populous and least successful of the Elven kingdoms in the modern day. Caelcoa borders both Aendrithor and Morduin, being geographically in between the two other Elven kingdoms, and has sour relations, at best, with both of its neighbors.   When the Elves of Londthas began to split and unify based on religious beliefs and which Elven gods they worshipped, Caelcoa and Morduin, who were both comprised of primarily Nsalenoric Elven tribes, were initially unified as one nation. However, an early king, the name of which history has forgotten, was from a tribe located in what is now Morduin and began to discriminate against and increase levies and taxes on tribes and communities from the south of Faenbelle. This sparked a revolution which saw said king be deposed and led to the formation of two separate Elven nations. The current Minhil of Caelcoa, Bellas Beirin, was formerly the head of a prestigious mage college, the Caelcoan Cosmologic Academy, before inheriting the throne after his brother's untimely passing. While not a politically trained man, Bellas' rule has seen the economy improve as the nation has become more stable.   Caelcoa, like Aendrithor, is a widely peaceful nation that rarely involves itself with global affairs. It deals more with internal issues such as its declining economy and the recent abandonment of various arcane schools within the nation. The main elements of the nation's economy surround the trade of magical components, arcane items, and luxury goods as well as more mundane resources such as lumber and products made from woodcarving. In terms of the nation's population, Caelcoa is the least populated of the Elven Kingdoms, with most of the nation's population located in the regions surrounding the capital city of Sillatalos. This is due to the large swathes of thick forest in Caelcoa and the lack of major natural waterways, making most inland settlement unfruitful.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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