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Aendrithor is a large Elven kingdom on the continent of Londthas that has existed since long before the Wellspring. The nation owns land on both islands in Londthas, controlling the entirety of the southern isle of Faenbelle and most of the northern isle of Nilenahil. Aendrithor borders one other state, that state being Caelcoa, which is located in Nilenahil. Aendrithor is the largest of the three Elven kingdoms, but it is not the most populous as the southern island of Faenbelle is largely uninhabited bar some sparsely located ports on the southern coast.   Aendrithor was founded over eight millenia ago, under largely unknown circumstances. What is known is that the lands the nation now controls had all been territories belonging to various groups of Elves who primarily worshipped the Nilaluma, "Wise Ones", of the Elven pantheon. Morduin and Caelcoa both belonged to groups that instead worshipped the Nsalenor, "Generous Ones", primarily. Thus, Nsalenoric Elves refused to unify with Nilalumic Elves, causing the continent to become split between the two religious sects. Aendrithor has not gained or lost any land, according to historical records, in its longstanding history, having been a bastion of peace in the East. In its over eight thousand years of existence, not one dynasty change has occurred and only three leaders have been deposed, all of whom had been corrupt or widely seen as incapable of their position. Aendrithor boasts a strong, longstanding monarchy run by the Alari, a large and widely influential noble house. Its current leader, Minhil, meaning "king", Faernor Alari is, as most Alari rulers are, widely popular and generally seen as a capable and intelligent leader.   Aendrithor exists as a largely isolationist state in terms of its geopolitical intervention, only dealing with other nations in trade and exchange of information. Aendrithor contains more mage guilds and research organizations than any other kingdom, leading to many mages migrating to Aendrithor in order to attend more prestigious arcane schools. Aendrithor, and Londthas in general, contains a larger quantity of lingering magical energy than any other nation. This has allowed for various luxury resources and arcane components to be found in high quantity in Aendrithor due to the higher concentration of arcana. Mana Ennsari is a slanderous colloquial term used to describe so-called "resource barons" who have monopolized control over the luxury goods and arcane components of Aendrithor, limiting their trade in order to gain more and more profit.   Aendrithor, like the other Elven Kingdoms, has a largely stagnant and moderately sized population. The nation is sparsely populated, especially in the southern island of Faenbelle, with there only being a handful of larger cities and towns throughout the nation, most of them being port towns with important arcane institutions. Most other settlements either surround mage colleges or are built in the swathes of arable land located throughout the northern island of Nilenahil. These tend to be smaller villages that focus on agriculture.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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