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The Froslak people are a ethnic group of humans native to the continents of Dalashiel and Kingour. They worship a separate pantheon of gods, known commonly as the Froslakian Pantheon, with the god of the dead, Caragor, being their primary deity of worship, followed by Renos, the god of sailing and warfare. Froslakians are said to be descendants of ancient Faityl peoples who had sailed west and established settlements in Kingour and Dalashiel. Thus, many elements of Ledari and old dialects of Faitilic are similar, especially certain runes that are shared between the two languages as well as their general runic nature. Physically, the two groups are also similar, with both Faitilic and Froslak people being primarily lighter skinned and shorter. Similarly, the vast majority of Froslakians are blonde or red-haired, with green or blue eyes also being the most common.   Froslakian cultures are known for their clan-based governments and the focus on art and entertainment within their society. Froslakian governments have long since been based in a clan structure, with High Chiefs ruling over kingdoms or, in the case of Auchnavar, provinces within kingdoms. In Dalashiel, nearly every kingdom contains primarily a single clan, with the only exception being Colblane. Within clans, there are thousands of houses. By all other than name, houses are just families or lineages in Froslak culture. Art, literature, and music are all important elements within general Froslak culture. Froslakian art is denoted by its focus on tapestries and stylized images of heroes and heroic stories. Its literature is widely the same, with a major focus on realistic and gritty depictions of the lives and stories of heroes. Froslakian music is primarily based in string instruments and is generally slow, emotional, and loud. Froslakian architecture typically involves stone walls and thatch roofs, with hide and furs hung on walls for insulation. Buildings in larger towns tend to have roofs made with shingles and other, more expensive, materials.   Froslakian culture and Froslak peoples are also known for their relation to the sea. Sailing has remained an important element in Froslakian life since their ancestors had arrived in Dalashiel and Kingour. Most Froslak kingdoms are known for their powerful and expansive navies and massive trading fleets. Seafood is a staple among the diets of Froslakians and most learn to sail by their early teens. Renos, the god of sailing, has always been a popular deity among Froslakians and is also the god of warriors and war due to the focus of Froslakian militaries on naval combat and the sea.   Froslakian culture has various taboos. Omens are a major part of Froslak culture, and the disbelief or refusal to acknowledge omens properly is shunned and largely seen as a sign of madness or a lack of true belief in the gods. Warfare, conflict, and confrontation are largely seen in a negative light, and Froslakians are far more likely to try to deal with issues through negotiations and conversation. This is due to the value which life holds among Froslakians, seen as something that should only end when necessary or when decided upon by the gods. Caragor, the god of death, is worshipped by many as a sign of respect to the dead and a celebration of the living.   Froslakian traditions largely surround the concepts of familial ties and death. It is common tradition among Froslakians to pass down heirlooms, primarily weapons, from generation to generation, with these heirlooms often being expensive, ornate, and significant to the family. Deaths of loved ones are grieved through an entire week of worship and prayer, meant to pass the spirits of the dead to Caragor with the proper honors and respect. What many find odd about Froslak death rites is the common tradition of consuming the flesh of family and friends who have passed away. Ritual cannibalism is a popular tradition in Froslakian culture as they believe it spiritually connects the memories and souls of those who have passed with those left in the material world. Bodies are typically buried in skeletal form, with much of the flesh consumed but the organs untouched. Family, in Froslak culture, does not only pertain to those related by blood, but also those close enough, as friends, to pass as one's family. One's closest friends can be given a familial title through various rites that involve worship and prayer to Caragor, followed by a celebratory feast.   Froslakian peoples primarily live in cooler regions with harsh winters. Thus, Froslakian clothing primarily involves hides, furs, and other materials that keep the wearer warm and protected from the elements. Fur hats and thick coats are common among the Froslakians. Armor is primarily made from hardened leather, hide, or animal scales as the harsh winter makes metal armor often uncomfortable and detrimental. Footwear is warm but light, with soles typically made wider in order to allow for travel through snowy conditions. Despite how arable the land in Kingour and Dalashiel can be, winter forces many families to raise livestock and stockpile. Fishermen often dry fish and store them for the winter, creating a form of seafood jerky.
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