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Macavurians are an ethnic group of humans who had controlled and made up most of the collapsed Valaris Empire. Macavurians, along with Faitilic and Marcean peoples, primarily live on the continents of Pwenlylyn and Fron Aberaelwyd, with most Macavurians living under the United Macavurian Principalities. The United Macavurian Principalities, more commonly referred to as Macavuria, is an expansive yet declining nation which controls land in both continents. Macavuria encompasses the majority of the territory held by the Valaris Empire shortly before its fall, but it does not control the former hearth of the empire. The Kingdom of Talrice, a rival of Macavuria, controls the former capital of the fallen empire and is run by a dynasty which claims to be descendants of the last emperor. Macavurians were said to have originated in Fron Aberaelwyd along with Marceans, with the two groups supposedly being descendants of two opposing ancient clans.   Macavurians primarily worship the Communion of the Six Divines, the imperial religion which was established under Macavurian rule. The religion involves the worship of six divines within the pantheon among other traditions and holidays. The Six Divines of the Communion are both Marcean and Macavurian in nature, originating with the folktales and stories of Macavurian and Marcean peoples, but the worship of these deities was also adopted by the vast majority of Faitilic peoples in order to avoid religious persecution by the Valaris Empire. The Divines are all worshipped fairly equally, though the widespread importance placed on intelligence and intellectual achievement has shaped Macavurian and Marcean societies into placing more emphasis on scholarly fields and the arts. On the other hand, the free expression of love, relationships, emotion, and temptation, as emphasized by Stamatios' teachings, in Macavurian society has enabled a largely relaxed and jubilant atmosphere in Macavuria. Another element of Macavurian society is the great respect and reverence shown to those who hold power in society, be they the Archduke or a simple baron.   Macavurians are tall, fair to tan skinned peoples who typically bear blonde hair and brown eyes. They tend to have larger noses, smaller mouths, and thicker hair, denoting their eastern or Mediterranean appearance. As stated before, the vast majority of Macavurians live within the feudal kingdom of Macavuria and partake in a government structure which is largely authoritarian and whose monarchy is hereditary. The Archduke of the United Duchies is a hereditary position passed down through primogeniture with male-dominated inheritance. Macavurians speak Ceiglic, a guttural and loud language which is common throughout the eastern regions of Halth'aire. There are few dialects of the language and a majority of its speakers can understand each other fully. Macavurian architecture is based in the use of colored stone or framed wood with shingled roofs and large, wide buildings that don't tend to rise above two stories in height. Macavurian art is largely oil-based and involves primarily paintings, though murals and woodcarving are also common forms of artistic expression. Speaking of art, Macavurian music is melodic and focuses on the use of woodwinds and harmonic percussion.   The climate in which most Macavurians reside is largely temperate and is primarily made up of forests and grassland. Much of the land in Macavuria is arable, meaning a large portion of Macavurian cuisine is based in agricultural yields. Global crops such as corn, wheat, and potatoes are common, but local crops such as Netwit and Barbroot are also widespread in Macavurian food. Macavurian dishes tend to involve a mixture of vegetables and meat, with mashed sides being the most common pairing to meat dishes made from lambs or cattle. Also affected by the local climate, Macavurian fashion tends to involve loose tunics and pants made from cotton or wool with bold colors and flashy jewelry being common among the upper classes of Macavurian society.   Macavurian society is known for its relaxed, accepting, and largely joyous attitude towards most things. Macavurian people are known to take life one day at a time and not place too much worry or anxiety on the future, believing their fate is in their own hands, not in the hands of a deity. Macavurians are known for their extravagant festivals and celebrations surrounding harvests, marriages, and general revelry. However, few holidays exist surrounding grief and mourning, though Myghal, the divine of peace and tranquility, is often celebrated in these times in order to bring peace to those who have lost family or friends or to calm the spirits of those who have recently passed. These events are rare however, with only a single religious holiday surrounding Myghal being celebrated annually. Death and loss is often not dwelled upon, as the living tend to celebrate the lives' of the dead and honor them by not surrounding themselves with grief and sadness. In contrast to the largely solemn celebrations of death, the harvest festivals of Macavurian society are some of the most joyous celebrations in Halth'aire. Parades march through the streets of major towns and agricultural competitions are held throughout Macavuria.
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