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DV14 Stone Bridge

This gigantic stone archway (two miles long and four hundred feet high) comfortably spans the widest spring flood of the Dessarin River. It is a sacred site of pilgrimage for many dwarves. Long ago, the Dwarf god Siem appeared atop the Stone Bridge to rally dwarves of the Ironstar clan against a horde of orcs. The founder of Besilmer, King Torhild Flametongue, died fighting a hill giant atop the Stone Bridge.
Built to connect those parts of the dwarven realm of Besilmer on both the western and eastern banks of the Dessarin, the Stone Bridge is made of smooth, fused hard granite. It is only six paces wide and lacks railings or barriers, so anyone atop it is at the mercy of the wind, particularly in winter.
When and how it was built is a secret lost to time, but it is known that it was built to connect the Halls of the Hunting Axe to another dwarven stronghold. The story of Torhild Flametongue who died in battle atop the bridge means that the construction must have started before or at the same time as the founding of the Besilmer.

Purpose / Function

Stone Bridge was originally constructed to link the ancient Halls of the Hunting Axe to another long-lost dwarf hold.
Location under
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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