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Flask, grease

Area: 10'x10'
Effect: targets in area of effect may fall Prone. NOTE: grease is flamable, if it is ignited those within it suffer d4 fire damage and the grease area of effect is removed.

Creatures moving out of a square within the area of effect must make a DEX save DC 13 to avoid falling prone. The creature may treat the move as difficult terrain and and make the save with advantage. Repeat the save for each square moved out of.

Range: 20/60
Can be thrown as an improvised (no prof bonus) weapon.
Short range misses scatter 1d6 squares.
Long range misses scatter 2d6 squares.
Can be stored stored safely in one's bag, or at the ready on one's belt. Belt-stored flasks are vulnerable to explosions and can be drawn, ready to be thrown with a bonus action. Bag-stored flasks are safe from explosions, but require a full action to draw and ready.  

Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Base Price
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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