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Flask, oil

Attack roll to hit. Scatter on miss. Scatter misses will not coat a creature, but will coat the floor.

Area of effect: One creature or 5'x5'

Damage: Ongoing 5 fire damage, starting on the turn after being exposed to flame, for a maximum of 2 rounds duration. A creature can take this fire damage only once per turn regardless of how much oil they are coated in. But additional coats will extend the duration (max 2 rounds).

DEX save DC 13 to avoid slipping when entering an oiled area. Action: to extinguish ongoing fire on a creature or 5'x5' section of foor. Water spells are able to extinguish everything within their area of effect.

If not burned off during two rounds of ongoing damage, a short rest can be used to remove all unburnt oil coating from a creature. If unburnt oil remains, the coating is subject to re-igniting.

Range: 20/60
Can be thrown as an improvised (no prof bonus) weapon.
Short range misses scatter 1d6 squares.
Long range misses scatter 2d6 squares.
Can be stored stored safely in one's bag, or at the ready on one's belt. Belt-stored flasks are vulnerable to explosions and can be drawn, ready to be thrown with a bonus action. Bag-stored flasks are safe from explosions, but require a full action to draw and ready.   The Warriors of Mameka are famous for using these terrifying bombs. The Order has trained its members in using the Mamekan Heavy Sling, an exotic weapon designed to launch these bombs to extend the range to 40/100. Mamekan warriors and knights are routinely exposed to these bombs during training and have advantage on any saving throws of accidentally caught in their area of effect.

Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Base Price
1 GP
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