Lady of the Bones Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Lady of the Bones

“Dere will come the day, Mr Larkin, when ya’ burden be greater than your hunger,” the Lady of the Bones had hissed. “And all da’ sun un Häusken will not light ya’ darkness. This magic be blood, flesh and forever.” All magic came with a price, and sitting in the chair on this night, he was just starting to understand this.
No one but he and the Lady of Bones knew of his deal. Five lives for five wards – a young boy to know the shadowsa new born child to know lady luck; a virgin bride to know dissuade; a blind man to know the darkness; and a healing priest to know the blood. Each sacrifice with the blade by his hand, imbued to Merakesh Larkin on that night with the gifts of deep unspoken magic.   The Lady of the Bones is found only through a magical door that appears and dissappears, it is unclear if she lives on the same plain of existance as everyone else does, but with her work and skills in Blood Magic, there is always a price for its use. Perhaps the half life she lives is just that.
long dark dreadlocks


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