The Opus Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Opus

Lead by Langdon Moody until he was murdered, and the Opus was then absorbed into the Tinatoa.   Alchemists and chemists, bomb makers and spell weavers. Langdon's arcane background and disregard for authority drew the magical unfavourable to his faction. He was considered a Dark Mage but was not part of the The Dark Council. The Opus contained all dark mages who were not a part of the Dark Council. Not all mages in the Opus practiced Dark magic, but many had no resovations to use magic that was either illegal or for illegal purposes. The Opus had a huge hold in the Black Market trading in all manners of illicit objects, forbidden magics, overclocked crystals, and Human trafficking.    Moody’s momentary lapse in judgement was all that Bantha needed to turn some of his loyal followers against him, allowing Bantha to seize the opportunity to expand his own territory. Moody had suspiciously disappeared and over the course of a few weeks, so had all in his inner circle who had not betrayed him for Bantha.   The Opus followers that are now part of the Tinatoa now make up the majority of non-Daemonkin members.


North Hausken
Notable Members


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