Wei of Light Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Wei of Light

I am a sister of the sun, third call, and first vessel.
  Wei was with Paladin Urlaris at the The Lightening Rod when it was attacked, ready to take the Celestial should Balthazar refuse to go with the Paladin quietly, and be killed.    She was called upon at Balthazar's Inquisition by Quaid Bedlam.   She is also part of the Sisters of the Sun. 'Third call’ means that she is the third generation to enter this order, it is seen as a calling in her family, a duty, an honour. Being first vessel means that she is next to blend, to become Ascended. She has been preparing for many years to bond with a Celestial healer. As there are not many of them left in Hausken, it is a great honour for the sisters of the sun to ascend. It is the path they all wish for each other.

Holy Books & Codes

At Balthazar's inquisition, she testifies. “It says ‘The forbidden is thus called for it reserves all manner of unholy for such perverse violation of sacred practice. Struck clean from tongues, and wiped clean from eyes.’ Passage 2 of 6 in the Celestial Tomb,” she quoted.
pale brown
dark and limp
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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