Paladin Urlaris Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Paladin Urlaris

“I am Urlaris, third born of the second son of D’kara, and I have come for the one named Balthazar.”
  The Paladin is strong, in heavy armour and holds a large sword. He attacks the The Lightening Rod to take Balthazar to the Cathedral as per his instructions from High Priest Jayner Joric. When he receives resistance by Dougal McKenzie's men, Milos Gregor and another employee are killed. Dougal steps in to call truce and re-negotiate the terms of Balthazar's arrest. They agree to take Balthazar to the Catherdral the next morning to face the Inquisiton at the Well of Light. Urlaris agrees to this and promptly leaves.
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