Hausken Character History - key moments Timeline
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Character History - key moments

Years After Wrath

0 BEFORE and beyond

  • 377 YAW

    22 Of Leaves

    Marcus joins Tinatoa
    Life, Organisation Association
    Additional timelines
  • 384 YAW

    11 Of Harth 10:00
    402 YAW

    26 Of Stone 19:00

    Balthazar works for a Smuggler
    Criminal Activity

    Joins at 17yrs old, and works for a smuggling operation called Big Brothers.

    Additional timelines
  • 387 YAW

    7 Of Light

    Merakesh joins Tinatoa
    Life, Organisation Association

    Owing Bantha due to gambling debts, Merakesh joined the Tinanto

    Additional timelines
  • 392 YAW

    13 Of Copper

    Merakesh and Marcus meet Bantha for the first time
    Criminal Activity

    Merakesh and Marcus meet Bantha for the first time

    Crystal Lounge
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  • 393 YAW

    17 Of Harth

    Merakesh makes blood magic pact
    Life, Supernatural

    Merakesh makes a deal with the Lady of the Bones, and uses blood magic to be ordained with five wards.

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  • 393 YAW

    18 Of Harth

    Merakesh activates the first ward
    Life, Death

    Assassination of the priest

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  • 393 YAW

    20 Of Harth

    Merakesh activates the second ward
    Life, Death

    Merakesh assassinates Simon Ludwig

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  • 393 YAW

    27 Of Harth

    Merakesh activates the third ward
    Life, Death

    Merakesh assassinates Prudence Timmons

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  • 393 YAW

    2 Of Oak 01:00

    Merakesh activates the fourth ward
    Life, Death

    Merakesh assassinates baby Holton

    Additional timelines
  • 393 YAW

    2 Of Oak 15:00

    Merakesh activates the fifth ward
    Life, Death

    Merakesh assassinates Blind Karl

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  • 393 YAW

    2 Of Oak 16:00

    Felicia is wrongly arrested for her sisters murder
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The police wrongly acuse Felicia of the murder of her sister Prudence.

    Additional timelines
  • 393 YAW

    2 Of Oak 17:00

    Sally investigates the 5 unsolved cases

    Sally Romanov of the Hausken Police begins to investigate the mysterious cases of disappearances and deaths related to the figure in the cloak.

    Additional timelines
  • 393 YAW

    6 Of Aqua

    Ludwig turns to Dark Magic
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After the dissappearance of his son, Ludwig turns to Dark Magic and vows to be a powerful Dark Mage.

    Additional timelines
  • 396 YAW

    7 Of Gold 10:00

    Eli does a Crystal Run for Big Brothers
    Criminal Activity

    Eli is hired by the Big Brother smuggling operation to aquire crystals. Eli drops them off and is paid.

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  • 396 YAW

    8 Of Gold 10:00

    Eli returns to Big Brothers to get her missing money
    Criminal Activity

    After realising she had been short-changed on her Crystal Run job, she returns to get the money she is owed.

    Additional timelines
  • 398 YAW

    27 Of Aqua 13:00

    Dougal inherits the Lightening Rod
    Life, Organisation Association

    After suffering the death of his friend and mentor, Frank Gifford, the will is read and Dougal inherits the brothel.

    Additional timelines
  • 402 YAW

    26 Of Stone 18:00

    Ariuk dies
    Life, Death

    Merakesh kills Ariuk

    Additional timelines
  • 402 YAW

    26 Of Stone 19:00

    Balthazar blends with Celestial
    Life, Milestone

    After coming to Ariuk's aid when he saw her body in the alley, Balthazar was subjected to a scared Celestial, forcing a painful and violent blending out of despiration, leaving him severely injured and without memory of his previous unblended life.

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  • 402 YAW

    23 Of Harth

    Merakesh leaves Tinatoa
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After trying to assassinate Bantha, he is leaves the Tinatoa

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  • 402 YAW

    8 Of Leaves

    First encounter together

    Oakley brings Eli, Dougal and Merakesh together to break out Balthazar from the Asylum.

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  • 404 YAW

    19 Of Stone

    The Blood Ring is discovered
    Life, Supernatural

    Seth discovers the Blood Ring in a temple the University uncovers in a field.

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  • 404 YAW

    10 Of Harth 08:00

    Asked to find the missing children

    The Wilkinson couple ask the party to locate their missing children.

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  • 404 YAW

    10 Of Harth 10:00

    Attacked at the University
    Military: Skirmish

    After visiting the Professor at the University to retrace Seth's steps, the party is attacked by a Gargoyle.

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  • 404 YAW

    2 Of Lords 14:00

    Fight in the Sulphar Temple Ruins
    Military: Skirmish

    Fight breaks out to rescue Seth. This is Merakesh's and Marcus's first fight.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    2 Of Lords 18:00

    Staff of Nightmares is discovered
    Life, Supernatural

    The Staff of Nightmares is discovered in the archeological dig ruins near the Sulphar Mines.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    2 Of Lords 21:00

    Seth reveals he has the Ring of Blood
    Life, Supernatural

    Seth reveals the information about the Ring of Blood.

  • 404 YAW

    3 Of Lords 10:00

    Eli visits her Mother at the Arcane Sanctum
    Life, Identity

    Visits her Mother, Jocelyn who is the Chamberlin at the Arcane Sanctum.

    Arcane Sanctum
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  • 404 YAW

    3 Of Lords 14:00

    Eli explores Scorched Land Temple
    Discovery, Exploration

    Eli uses the information from Balthazar to locate the temple ruins beyond the Hausken border, out in the Scorched Lands.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    3 Of Lords 16:00

    The Crown of Bones is discovered, and detroyed
    Life, Supernatural

    Eli discovers the Crown of Bones and destroys it by smashing it to pieces.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    4 Of Lords 9:00

    Aquire fake staff from University

    Dougal and Seth go to the University and steal a fake staff from the Department of History.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    4 Of Lords 11:00

    Attacked at the Lightening Rod
    Military: Skirmish

    After retrieving the fake staff from the University, Dougal and Seth were followed and attacked by 3 magic figure.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    4 Of Lords 12:00

    Revelation of the Elf used by the Dark Mages
    Discovery, Exploration

    The attacker captured at the Lightening Rod is actually an Elven victim of the Dark Mages.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 12:00

    Staff exchange at the Warehouse
    Diplomatic action

    Meet up with Marcus to exchange the fake staff for Zaya.

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  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 13:00

    Fight in the Abandoned Warehouse
    Military: Battle

    When the staff is recognised as a fake, a fight breaks out between the party and the Tinatoa.

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  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 19:00

    Marcus stabs Merakeh
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    During the fight, Marcus stabs Merakesh to his lower abdomen with a serrated knife.

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  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 20:00

    Doctor treats Merakesh
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Merakesh is treated at the Lace and Locket by a Doctor who owed Oakley a favour.

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  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 20:00

    Seth attempts to break into Lace and Locket vault
    Criminal Activity

    Seth tries to break into Oakley's vault to steal the staff which Dougal refused to hand over to him.

  • 404 YAW

    5 Of Lords 21:00

    Wilkinson Family is reunited
    Life, Milestone

    Milly and Connor are reunited with Zaya and Seth at the Lace and Locket.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 9:00

    Merakesh looks for friends

    After waking from a weeks rest, Merakesh makes his way out in Sanctuary Day to locate his friends.

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  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 10:00

    Sanctuary Day civil unrest

    Civil unrest around Santuary day occurs

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  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 11:00

    Sanctuary Day Explosions
    Disaster / Destruction

    Three explosions occur on Santuary Day.

  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 12:00

    Balthazar saves people from fire
    Civil action

    Balthazar saved a boy and girl from the fire in the shop they were stuck in when the explosion occured.

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  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 13:00

    Healing Vernon Grestleback

    Balthazar heals Vernon Grestleback.

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  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 14:00

    The party finds Balthazar alive and well
    Gathering / Conference

    After searching, the group find one another.

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  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 15:00

    Dougal is interviewed by media
    Life, Publicity

    Dougal is interviewed by both the City Gazette and the Hausken Herold while trying to direct people away from danger.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    13 Of Lords 16:00

    Oakley is missing
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Upon finding the shop burnt and ransacked, Oakley is missing.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 9:00

    The newspaper prints misquotes
    Life, Publicity

    Dougal is misquoted and it appears in the Hausken Herold, implicating LOD as the perpatrators.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 10:00

    The newspaper prints about mysterious healer
    Life, Publicity

    Balthazar is exposed when the newspaper prints a story about a mysterious healer who had helped after the bombings.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 11:00

    Merakesh gets into bar fight
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    After losing Oakley, Merakesh spirals into a booze fueled night, getting into a bar fight and leaving the tavern in the morning.

    Slag Pitt
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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 12:00

    Eli and Dougal are kidnapped by LOD
    Military action

    LOD kidnap Dougal and Eli, based on the newspaper article.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 13:00

    Marcus follows and confronts Merakesh
    Military: Skirmish

    Marcus follows Merakesh from The Slag Pitt, and have heated discussion about taking another job from Bantha.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 13:00

    Merakesh is jumped by three thugs
    Military: Skirmish

    Merakesh is followed by Tinatoa and is attacked in a familiar alley.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 14:00

    LOD tries to recruit Dougal
    Life, Organisation Association

    Felicia and Timmons try to recruit Dougal to LODs cause. When he refuses, Dougal and Eli are taken back to the Lightening Rod.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 15:00

    Merakesh hides out in the Lace and Locket
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Not ready to face his friends, Merakesh stays a while at the Lace and Locket.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 16:00

    Paladin hunts Balthazar
    Military: Skirmish

    I am Urlaris, third born of the second son of D’kara, and I have come for the one named Balthazar.

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  • 404 YAW

    14 Of Lords 17:00

    Prepare for the Trial
    Life, Education

    Eli, Dougal and Balthazar prepare for the Trial during the day and well into the early hours of the next morning.

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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords

    Get the job from Bantha
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Merakesh and Eli meet with Bantha and take the assassination jobs

    Crystal Lounge
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 02:00

    Merakesh has a bath
    Gathering / Conference

    While Merakesh is having a bath and sobering up, Eli, Balthazar and Dougal all visit his room to discuss his absence from the group.

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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 03:00

    Sally arrests and interrogates Timmons

    Sally arrests Timmons at their LOD hideout, and interrogates him in the Boiler Room. After getting no answers, she leaves him in the holding cells for a while.

    Police Station
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 9:00

    Dougal take Balthazar to the Cathedral

    Dougal's carriage takes him and Balthazar to the Cathedral and drops off Merakesh and Eli along the way to avoid the police.

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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 10:00

    Merakesh and Eli are followed in the market square
    Life, Publicity

    On the way to get breakfast, Merakesh and Eli find themselves followed by a Dwarf. After making him unconcious, they find Merakesh's wanted poster in his pockets.

    Market Square
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 11:00

    Balthazar and Dougal wait in the Holding Room
    Gathering / Conference

    While waiting for the trial to begin, Lessirea lock Dougal and Balthazar into the Holding Room.

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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 12:00

    Deal with Bantha is made to remove the bounty
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Eli and Merakesh visit Bantha to remove the bounty. They bump into Marcus while at the Crystal Lounge.

    Crystal Lounge
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 13:00

    High Inquisition of Balthazar
    Religious event

    Dougal defends Balthazar in the High Inquisition carried out by the Church.

    Well of Light
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 14:00

    Timmons is killed
    Life, Death

    Eli obtains the distratonator, and Merakesh murders Timmons

    Police Station
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  • 404 YAW

    15 Of Lords 15:00

    LOD attack the Police Station

    LOD attack the police station and allow Merakesh and Eli to escape.

    Police Station
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