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Tazdahur is a wealthy skyport and trading hub between The Harmattan Straits and Broxemore. The city has 2 distinct split districts: one ruled by Awoken Elves and by Mutahadir. The surrounding area is most the fertile area in the Straits, with oases, low grasses and shrubbery, and even a select few palm trees here and there. Gnomish district is half carved into the ground & contains shops, elvish is surface & contains skydocks. Windmills power Aethermines, Elves run the mines, gnomes turn dust into workable materials for crafting. Many establishments of the city run on Aether from the mines, as a sort of magical ‘electricity’. Long history of conflict in the city, over time learned to work together to make the city thrive, but still tend to keep themselves separated.


Sadek’s Mill Large trumpet-like tube system that sucks in clouds and air, suction mechanism powered by windmills placed around the cliffs of Tazdahur. 5 Windmills, horizontally placed around the edge. The windmills also help generate energy for local city districts, pushing faint magic through specialised tubes to fuel lanterns/ heating systems. Refinery: ran by Arkaan Aether distillery: ran by Radelia Aether reactor core: main source of aether that powers the city Southern Windmill: The first and biggest windmill. Powers the aethermine itself.   Elven Skyport Sprawling docks built onto the side of Jafatan. Extends out far out of the city. Held afloat with large sturdy balloons towards the furthest extended parts. Only part of the city that is mixed gnomish/ elvish. Military ships can be found here.
  • Gnomish shipyard: Main shipyard of the Mutahadir. Ships being built there for Al Jafer and the Trade Princes’ fleets. Spans almost an entire city district. Parts focused on building sails, parts focused on steering mechanisms, hulls, etc. The ships are built by gnomes, while the docks are created by elves.
  • Industrial docks
  • Fishing docks
  • Fishing ship

Guilds and Factions

Most factions of the Gnomish side of Tazdahur reside within the The Tazdahur Guildhall.
Related Ethnicities
Owning Organization

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