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Heaven's Path

Month 1, Day 2, 2 RE


The History of Heaven's Path so far

This is where things get juicy, because this is where I get to talk about people! And guess who loves people? Yup, this nerd! Let's get cracking, because there's a lot to crack here.  
Here's the territory map again for reference. All the information I've given is in reference to each place's pre-Chaos state.  

The Human City-States

Inhabiting the southern quadrant of Tian Wu Yan, where the climate is moderate and the land is well-suited for farming, were the humans. They mostly lived in a handful of city-states, each with their own farms, mines, etc. As master artificers and arcane scholars, humans always had a hunger for both a high quantity and a high variety of resources. Whatever they couldn't extract themselves, they traded for with other species, especially the halflings. Fengqi was the biggest city-state of them all, and was the only one that survived the Chaos.  

The Dwarven Spires

The Heavenly Spires, a vast area of land dotted with tall rocky pillars covered in cloud forests, can be said to be the natural wonder of the world. As beautiful as it may be, where exactly would people live in such a rough landscape? Well, the dwarves had multiple answers to that question. The practical answer was living on the coast, where their capital city Torkarum is located. The sacred answer was right on top of the pillars themselves, where their largest temples pierced the clouds. And how would they reach such nearly vertical heights? Why, with the help of the dwarves' very own native giant Pijar snails!  

The Halfling Desert

One would think that the Blooming Necropolis, a famous monument to the dead, would be found in some forest or meadow where plant is abundant. Well, you'd be wrong, for the Blooming Necropolis is nestled right into the heart of the desert, quite literally! It's exterior is a beautifully decorated inverted pyramid dug into the ground, with a lattice of planters overtop as the pyramid's 'base'. The halflings, and all those they brought into their clans, venerated their ancestors (and still do!) and the Necropolis was their ultimate testament to that love.  

The Elven Forests

The elven peoples under the guidance of Utir lived far to the north, in some of the coldest climes in all of Fengqi. Their accumulated territory was quite sizeable, but mostly because it comprised of dozens of small settlements whose major binding factor was their god Utir. However, a few centuries ago, the temples, shrines and monuments dotted throughout the forests looked completely different. In fact, they were in reverence to a completely different pantheon entirely. Alas, when the cult of Utir rose in prominence, it came with the price of all the other gods, who are now almost completely forgotten.  

The Gnomish Archipelago

Gnomes of Tian Wu Yan have a saying: "The bee's knees are the trees and the seas." Okay just kidding, no one says that. But still, it is an accurate portrayal of what gnomish society was like - amongst the trees and on the seas. Each of the islands in this tropical archipelago is named after the singular tree that defines it. These trees are sacred, but not untouched, for the gnomish way is to innovate, much in the same way that humans do. However, they do not work with metal, they work with wood. This practice, known as dendromancy, shaped all the structures (or what's left of them) that gnomes once used in their daily lives.  

The Orcish Territories

Divided into three sections, one for each orcish faction, these territories are the most expansive of all the species of Tian Wu Yan. The Singing Faction lived in lush valleys just south of Janokk and were prolific farmers and, of course, musicians. The Fishing Faction lived along the coastal wetlands and were famed for their canal cities were roads were not paved with stone, but with water. The Mounted faction roamed the vast plains of the east, and the biodiversity of equine creatures reflected the richness of this expanse.  

The Dragonborn Islands

In this world, the dragonborn are split based on color and geography. The metallic dragonborn lived on the Western Dragon Island, and the chromatic dragonborn lived on the Eastern Dragon Island. Both cultures are vastly different, but their one unifying feature is that they claim to be descendants of dragons. In the west, these dragonborn were assimilators whose values and traditions merged and morphed as they interacted with other races. In the east, these dragonborn were hunters who survived an island filled with sometimes peaceful, often vicious dinosaurs.  

The Loxodon Principality

Loxoda are the elephant people of the silk forests, whose textiles were (and still are) prized across the world. While a fraction of their fashion capabilities are accessible in Fengqi, the real textile magic is currently locked up in what is known as the Sanctuary of Silk. Historically, it was merely a temple. Now, it is a repository for the most valuable weaving technologies ever created in order to safeguard them from the Chaos. Unfortunately, few surviving Loxoda know of the precise mechanisms by which the Sanctuary was locked, but when has that stopped tenacious adventurers?  


Bordering the northern edge of the world is the mountain range known as Janokk. It is most famous for being the homeland for the giant fuzzy peoples known as the Yetifolk. However, it was also home for dozens of other races, both living atop and below it. According to the people who lived much of their lives on its rugged slope, it can be said that Janokk is alive, with its own spirit, its own memory. Considering the world that is Tian Wu Yan, you better believe there is truth to that.  

The Pearl Necklace

On the western reaches of Tian Wu Yan are a string of islands known as the pearl necklace. Each 'pearl' corresponds to certain lovers from the Destiny of the Twelve, with the biggest, central one, denoting the All-King. Despite its significance, there are no settlements of buildings on any of the islands for it is said that the pearls themselves are gateways directly into the celestial plane, specifically, the Court of Heaven. Therefore, the necklace is highly protected, and all that is known about these islands are what have been recorded by intrepid naval explorers sailing around the area.  

The Underground

Beneath the earth is a vast network of tunnels, both natural and dug out. Few know of their existence and especially of what they look like. The people most familiar with them are, of course, the diggers themselves, the thri-kreen ant people. However, they do not really talk with anyone outside their society, so anyone curious about this underground world should go and ask the other races who live there. The myconids would definitely be the first ones you'd go to.  

The Unknown

You see those places that are just, like, dark green? Yeah, no one has really mapped out those places because they are often believed to be haunted or infested with monsters. And because these places radiate such an aura of fear, it is only natural that certain celestials might take part in setting up the right kind of atmosphere. Beware of these uncharted lands, for before, during, and after the Chaos, they have always been shrouded in mystery.

Current Species & Cultures

Okay! Let's start breaking down who all these races are! Buckle up, because this section is going to be long.  


Loosely based off of Imperial China, but injected with egregious amounts of steampunk and magitech, Fengqi is distinctly human, even as it evolved into the multicultural metropolis it is now. Every piece of technology, from constructs (both sentient and not) to sewers to firearms, was probably created using some human-generated knowledge. Aside from the Lovers Twelve, humans in general revere no gods or deities. The people they value most are legendary inventors and tinkerers, such as the famed Inventor Lovers from centuries ago.  


The dwarves are perhaps the most pious of all, with almost every dwarf worshipping the Buddha-esque deity known as Munaan. Central to dwarven piety is the existence of a third, distinct gender known as the Muthratva. Assigned female at birth, a muthratva knows who they are when their facial hair comes in at puberty. Growing long, luscious beards, these muthratva (who now go by they/them) are trained to be religious leaders for they are the closest reflections of Munaan themselves. They then teach a concept known as Fulfillment, which is about looking inward, and only inward, to attain the good afterlife.  


Divided into five major clans and dozens of minor ones, the halflings are said to be the most welcoming of people around. Yes, difference is generally accepted and tolerated in Tian Wu Yan, but the halflings are all about chosen family and even take it to the next level. By casting a spell known as kinship, one can not only join a clan, but a family. Each clan has their own specific set of values, so interested individuals can choose which is right for them. But if they cannot make that choice, then there is always the Ganbo clan, who accepts everyone and anyone. This kinship extends even beyond life, for in death, the ancestors one worships are also joined via bond, not blood.  


The elves of today are an eclectic bunch, whose subraces and even individual families all have their little quirks when it comes to things like food, clothing, and customs. Even as they are all united under the light of their High God Utir, it is not conformity that he emphasizes, but resilience. The elves, out of all the other races, have the most monster stories and cautionary tales. With so many evils and ghosts and whatnot lurking around to snatch their livestock, their children, or even their undergarments, you wonder how they can sleep at night. Well, that's because they don't. They literally don't. In any case, each subrace of elves in general have their own distinct set of superstitions and oddities.  


Creators of the art of dendromancy, or tree magic, gnomes, unsurprisingly, feel most at home amongst the leaves and branches. Within the limited space of Fengqi, the gnomes have decided that they should try their best to live the way they used to. So, they found a suitable plot of land and made a treetop neighborhood smack dab in the middle of the city. They also designated a single tree to be their island tree as well. Gnomes are nothing if not problem solvers. Speaking of problems, it should be noted that sentience in robots was only possible due to the gnome-developed process known as tree-binding. A soul was emulated using the life essence of a tree and encapsulated into a single "brain" which could then pilot a human-made construct body.  


"The Legend of the Three Sisters" practically made the orcs who they are today - three separate factions split under each of the three sisters. As rivals, the sisters and their respective factions continue to bicker and quarrel, especially in the tiny space of Fengqi. Torrbei, the eldest sister, guides the Mounted Faction, whose equine herd is considerably smaller than they'd like, but at least the guard has a place for their military prowess. Mizhdea, the middle sister, guides the Singing Faction, whose music, hard to sing as it is, has inspired many a bard for its unparalleled emotionality. Zaaiqr, the youngest sister, guides the Fisher Faction, whose expert knowledge of all things fishing has made them extraordinarily wealthy and influential when seafood became the dominant cuisine following the Chaos.  


Would you believe it when I say that even before the age of magic, dragons existed? Yes they breathed fire and all that, but it was purely biological (please don't ask me to elaborate). However, before the Lovers Era, they just vanished. Went extinct, just like that. Well, most of them. The Vulgar (of the Twelve Lovers) remained to court the All-King, but after that, dragons were pretty much the stuff of legends. And that is all that was needed for them to manifest once more, as celestials. From here, the dragons then decided that they needed a people who carried their visage, and so the dragonborn were made. You already know about the metallic vs. chromatic dragonborn, so let me give you a fun naming fact for each. A western metallic dragonborn chose their name at adulthood, based on the culture they grew up in. An eastern chromatic dragonborn is given a name based on a singular emotion or personality trait that defined them, for example, 'Vain' and 'Doubt.'  


No one is as fashion forward as the elephantine Loxodon are. They are brilliant designers and expert tailors, who have had centuries of experience designing for bodies of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, they've had to make do with less than ideal materials, since they have limited access to their prized silks. So important is that specific type of silk from a specific species of silkworm that the sole deity they worship is a giant silk moth. However, that moth deity has an entourage of master seamsters and seamstresses of legend, constantly observing the fashion trends of the mortal plane, judging anything and everything.  


With numbers less than one hundred, the Yetifolk are on their last legs when it comes to their continued survival. Though we in the modern era know the effects of inbreeding and genetic mutations, all these poor yetis see is the decline of health with each oncoming generation. However, members of SKRUNGUS have taken it upon themselves to help these guys the best they can. Not only do they aim to preserve the yetifolk themselves, they also seek to preserve their legacy as revered mentors of the previous millenium.  


Water...Earth...Fire...Air...Long ago... Okay no, this isn't Avatar. But still, this is basically what the elemental genasi are all about. Every genasi is born of one of those four elements. 'Born' is the operative word here because whether or not a child is marked as a genasi and which type is determined at birth. you see, the four gods of the elements randomly decide who gets their blessing and which one of them gets to give it. So, any baby of any race can be born a genasi, just because some powerful celestial willed it. Obviously, this affects everything that child will experience from birth to death, but at the very least, one of the Twelve Lovers, the Ruthless, was the prime genasi, so generally, they are accepted.  

Mixed Races

Half-orcs, half-elves. The Player's Handbook lists them as distinct races. However in my world, being half anything is too vague for intermixing between certain species is very common. It does have its limits, however, as only humans, gnomes, dwarves, halflings, elves, and orcs can interbreed. Obviously, this does not prevent interracial couples from existing for reproduction is not the primary point of love. Regardless, as with mixed race individuals on Earth, the complexities of being mixed race on Tian Wu Yan are also vast and nuanced.  


Let's say you are a celestial - a demon, a fox spirit, a naga, or whatever. You want to take part in the Court of Heaven's little program. So, you sign up and you become mortal. And when you do so, you retain certain traits of your celestial form, some chosen, some predetermined. For example, Haliah is a naga, so she gets the option of being able to use her venom or not, but will always have the lower half of a snake. No matter what though, an aura is radiated around a descended individual, and other descended within 5 feet instantly know you are of the same background.  

Dark Feng Races

Now that the passage has opened up between the underground Dark Feng and Fengqi, that means that you'll be seeing a lot more of the people who've lived down there for years. You've got the peace loving myconids whose bioluminescent fungi has kept much of Dark Feng's residents both illuminated and nourished. Then there are the amphibious triton who don't really speak of their lives under the sea, but undoubtedly carry many secrets. Next are the three children of Visuphor, the Demon of Division (an ex-elven god from the old Elven pantheon) - tieflings, drow, and sileni. Finally, there are the thri-kreen, who are incredibly territorial and unfortunately see a big chunk of Dark Feng as their territory and therefore seek to take it by force.  

Minor Races

Even though they are 'minor' mostly in the population sense, they are still super hecking valid! Goblins are, well, goblins, except their just mischievous little fellas who live in caves in the forest. Kobolds also live in caves, but many more of them migrated out to work the farmlands. Robots (warforged stats) are, well, robots, who've attained sentience in one way or another and just kinda cling clang around town.

Needs & Relations

In an age of unprecedented cultural exchange and mixing, the lines between cultures have blurred significantly. It is difficult to neatly categorize any community just by culture alone. Instead, any informally established districts in Fengqi are primarily differentiated based on infrastructure. For example, in the eastern coast of the peninsula is an area colloquially called "The Maze" as it is a labyrinth of canals and bridges built to mirror the great orcish cities of the fisher faction. It is mostly orcs who reside here, but plenty of sea elves and water genasi call it their home.   However, there is one goal that everyone shares - Reclamation. With the Chaos finally beginning its recession, the time is ripe for diaspora. Each species on Tian Wu Yan lost their native lands, and each want to repopulate and rebuild those territories.   A problem now arises in the new era: how should lands be allocated? Should they be on a first come first serve basis? Should specific areas be demarcated as unnegotiably for certain peoples? And what about the plethora of detritus, worthless and priceless, that had been left behind? This issue is constantly being debated within the Queen's Council as each major race has their own ideas for what is sacred and what is not.   Finally, let's not forget the celestial plane. By sending out celestials to descend, the Court of Heaven intends for them to aid in the Reclamation process so that both planes of existence can flourish again. However, most celestials are born from belief and narrative, not lived mortal experience. Can they truly understand what is best for the world? Maybe so, maybe not.