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Heaven's Path

Month 1, Day 2, 2 RE


The Laws of Heaven's Path

In general, Tian Wu Yan functions like earth. Climates, ecosystems, and geological formations follow the same rules (or the best approximation a novice scientist like me could have) as Earth. In fact, many of the same flora and fauna that live on earth make their appearance in the world.   However, the main difference is, of course, magic. Now, many of the creatures on this world do are as mundane as mundane can be, even if they are also completely made up (like owlbears, which are just a species of animal and not an experiment gone wrong). Some possess magical capabilities, and that can certainly factor into how it interacts with its environment.   This is the mortal plane, where most of your adventures take place. The celestial plane is far more fantastical, and segregated based on mythology rather than geography. Heaven doesn't have many set features and constantly evolves as its inhabitants do.


I believe that this is now the time to talk more in-depth about the Destiny of the Twelve, as the gift of magic, or the Gift of the First, was a result of the All-King's journey.   You see, the Destiny of the Twelve took place during the final era, the final 200 years of a world devoid of magic. Prior to the All-King's death, the world was as mundane as our own planet earth, save for the diverse sentient races scattered all throughout. The First, an amorphous, agender entity was, obviously, the first of the twelve lovers in the All-King's story. And it was they who bestowed magic unto the world, allowing all its inhabitants to tap into it.   It was after this gift did the Mystic Era begin. This era was all about discovering the potential of magic and figuring out how to use it for peoples' benefit. It was also when the celestial plane was created and the relationship between mortal and celestial was established. Magic was a tool, yes, but it was also life essence, at least, for the celestials (and later, constructs). .

Principal Geography & Features

Tian Wu Yan embodies diversity not only with its people, but also with its landscape. All different kinds of biomes are represented throughout the world from arid and semiarid deserts to tropical dry and wet rainforests. Yes, I am probably the only one who is geeks out with all these specific biome names, but hey, can you blame me - Mr. Conservation Biology major?   In any case, I must point out one important fact. By this point, you may have caught onto the fact that I always refer to Tian Wu Yan as the "world" and not a "continent." Well, that is very much an intentional choice on my part. You see, Tian Wu Yan is the sole collection of land masses in what is otherwise a vast expanse of sea. Think, Pangaea, except the ocean to land ratio is like 90:10. The planet is earth sized, but mostly water, and anything past just a few miles off shore is largely unexplored.   Perhaps you might want to ask the Triton about what lies beneath the ocean's surface.

Initial Active Setting

  The city is state of Fengqi is where it all began, and where the campaign continues to be. The central hub of Tian Wu Yan, Fengqi was once a human dominated city state priding itself in its cutting edge clockwork technology. Now, it is a bustling metropolis where cultural exchange and understanding have been the norm. However, it is far from being a utopia, as all these different people have their own unique needs and desires, and balancing all that in such a limited space is challenging. And with the Chaos lurking just past Yongmei Bay (which surrounds the peninsula upon which the city is located), it's no wonder that your typical Fengqi resident is stressed the hell out.   Currently, as the Reclamation Era is in full swing, Fengqi is where adventurers resupply and regenerate in-between adventures into the dangerous world beyond. And speaking of the world beyond, I think that this section is as good as any to just lay out the exploration mechanics of Heaven's Path.  
  This is world of Tian Wu Yan hexified and color-coded based on historical territory. Not all races are listed here for one reason or another, whether it be because they lived underground, were nomadic and never owned land, or were reclusive and isolated. You see that peninsula to the south surrounded by water? That's Fengqi. From south to north is how your characters have been exploring and will continue to explore.  
  And this is a map detailing exactly where people have explored up until the present (green), aka the land that has been successfully reclaimed. Yes, the colors are completely different and there are a bunch of brown hexes (mountains) and symbols (points of interest) that aren't in the other hex map. Look, I had these maps already made and I just needed to get something on here, alright! Don't judge me! I just wanted to to showcase how far we've come!