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Eldest child of Valatau and Raziel as one of the few Aurin born after the great war for the planes, and the brutal struggle against the great mistake. Eleshandra bears none of the great scars that many that other gods carry. To some she is an upstart to others she is beacon of what should and could have been. Generous, optimistic and honorable, she has given her life to protect those who would give themselves to others, to empower those who would lay their lives for others, and to make her sacred sites bastions for the weak. For in her veins flow the blood of war gods, and the great anger of her mother, and the totalitarian will of her father. But she always sought another life, inspired by her uncle Sagaron she sought to eschew the traits she were born with, to use her anger as a tool and passion to protect the world others had fallen for. She deemed that the only way to honour her fallen grandmother and the ancestry of her lineage was to preserve what they had struggle for, thus she would be a god of peace and valiant defiance preaching to her followers that no god deeds ever came from fighting for anything, but from protecting your home, your country against those who would harm it, but also to learn to move on from such conflict to live a good life, one must do more than to live for others, one must also live for oneself.    



The Skald

Eleshandra was tutored by Barlema for a time, she grew to appreciate the soothing tones of song and music, and would in time come to collect tales of worthy followers and sing their deeds at their funeral, spreading a tradition of honoring the dead with song.  

The Protector

She is the protector of both strong and weak, encouraging her followers with the strength of arms to take up weapons in times of need to protect the weak, she encourages all however to fight for their home to be strong even when you are not, for that is true strength of heart.  

The Teacher

Eleshandra encourages all her followers to not only be strong, but also to give that strenght to others, only by teaching others how to defend themselves, how to become better people and the world move on from suffering.  


Eleshandra has churches, often called compounds, where all are welcome to come and offer prayer and thanks, but it is also a communal training site, where her favoured warriors teach the community how to defend themselves, and this is the worship that pleases her the most, training. Either training to protect that which is yours or giving your experiences to others to secure the future of your community.

Divine Domains

War, Peace, Joy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Spear layed atop of shield. Or sometimes a shield and wheat.

Tenets of Faith

Strike not in anger, strike for that which you hold dear.   Strike not in fear, but with certainty of cause and heart.   Spill not blood, that seeks not to spill yours.   To lay down your arms, when ones home is safe, is the greatest feat a warrior can undertake.   Seek not a life of strife, but one of peace and better days.   Seek not a life of solitude, but of joy, familiy and hearth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect the weak, the embolden the strong to their task.   To give strenght to the weak, and rest to stained hands.   By given others the chance to seek personal strenght, through personal sacrifice, a hero is not only great by virtue of their sacrifice, but of what they strenght they pass on to others.


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