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The Honored Dancer, the composed reveler the silent singer. Barlema

The younger sister of Jeila , she is also called the joyous one, she was once called the moon dancer, as she danced for mother, but with the coming of the Laughing God, she was forced to take on many of her sister's mantles, she was quickly overwhelmed by the responsibilities and worse still, she was forced to chase her sister to reign in her wilder tendencies, a charge that with time withered her love of music and festivity her mantles, thus she encouraged followers and mortals alike to refrain from heeding the call of her sister by showing restraint, maintain your minds, maintain your souls do not let the subtle rhythm take you away, let not the poison of beverage sweep your self-control, let not the mania of art claim you. After her sister was declared Accursed she was adopted by Raziel and Valatau as her charge was of great importance to the heavens and mortals alike, but also out of sympathy for lonesome soul. Though she rarely finds joy in anything, it is said that sometimes you can still find her under the moon, dancing in silence for her mother, or drinking in the lonely light to a self-made tune.      



The Composed God.

  Composed and calm at all times, Barlema is to many the god of self-control, never letting her singing sister take control of her mantles and soothing temper. Barlema represents absolute will over one's mental faculties at all times.

The Restrained Reveler.

Though she is the goddess of festivities and drinks, she does so sparingly, and never indulgences, showing to mortals by example how to refrain from being swept up in her sister's madness.  

The Moon Dancer.

The shamed daughter of the bloody moon, represents sadness and loss to dance alone in the night, and those who seek comfort in the night can always dance with the lonely moon, let skill and practice take away your sorrows and hone your body and craft in whatever your heart desires. She encourages all to deepen their lives with skill and practice to find peace of mind.  

The Preserver

Barlema belives in the preservation of kindess and tho no good deed should go unrewarded, and encourages her follows to help preserve the light of their hearts, not by receiving love, but learning to give. Those who are willing to open their hearts to others and give love to the world around them, to light the fires of more hearts until the world is ablaze with care and affection, for perhabs in such a world her duty would not have been needed.   To this extend she often gives her powers for to followers willing to fight for this light, those willing to shelter the flame against the great storm of the uncaring, to shield it from war and harm, these are her chosen and her children.
Parents (Adopting)


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