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God of magic and mages, Warden of the flow, Keeper of the Balance.

Estilbus is the god of all magic, he is the one who oversees the flow of magic from the great well and ensures that the 8 streams are maintained. It is duty to ensure that no single mage threatens the stability of the world, this task was given to him by his Father at the dawn of creation. Such a task leaves little time for anything else, as such Estilbus is rarely worshipped for he has little time for his followers.   Estilbus holds great favor towards those who seek knowledge of the arcane, for he was once a god of knowledge and so seek to understand and learn please him greatly. Besides those who understand the potential of magic is often more careful in their practice, something he greatly appreciates, for there is nothing more dangerous than a reckless mage. Estilbus is a cold and harsh god, he has little patience or deviation from his work, many say that on the day he cut off his head and created Oktavi he also gave him his heart and love so that he could focus on preserving the flow.      



The Magician

Estilbus is the patron saint of mages, all mages who dedicate shrines to him and seek knowledge are favored by him. He oversees all those who would draw from the flow and ensures that their meddling is not damaging to it, and if it is, he is known to send his heavenly servants or in rare cases champions after the offender.

Keeper of The Well

It is unsure where the god begins and ends when one looks upon what is referred to as the great well, from which the gleam flow of magic stems, it is from this energy that all life was made, and the world was shaped, and so it's safeguarding was always paramount, to Estilbus this sacred task is one that defines him, he is the warden of the well, he is the well and all who would threaten it, shall face his wrath.  

The Soul Spring

Though rarely invoked, Estilbus is sometimes worshiped as The Soul Spring, for the soul of living creatures are tied to the flow of magic to one degree or another, some races, such as the elves whose very being is partly magical in origin, are known to worship him as a god of life, for without his stewardship of the flow, they would not exist.  


Worship of Estilbus is rare, but usually, it is done by mages, who leave him offerings for his gifts and or asking him to guide their studies. His worship is done by leaving him magical components, especially rare components please him for, such a display pleases him, for it is not easy for a mage to give up such prized possessions.

To honor your god

Be responsible with the powers that are at your disposal, be diligent in your studies, and use your gifts to aid others, such actions please him.

Divine Domains

Magic, Knowledge, Life.




Towards Estilbus




Towards Oktavi


Divine Classification
Oktavi (Lover)


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