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Mother of Misfits and Patron of The Occult, The Bloodied Oathbearer, Guardian of The Forbidden, Curse Mother. Lirika

Born of Estilbus wounds during his clash with ignorance, and from this wound spilled worth the sum of all secrets that the god of knowledge had kept from the world. Though many have always suspected that she was something more, something dark hidden within her Father for she was shaped with such wrath and hunger for the blood of Ignorance, and she may well have been put down like a beast, had it not been for Morkova who took her as her own, naming her Goddes of Secrets and bestowed her power over the Moon, earning her the moniker of the bloody moon.  

The Bloody Moon

Though shunned by many, she was adored by Morkova being fostered and trained for a mantle once she grew up. In time however the drums of war would sound once more and she too was called to Raziel banner, for he was impressed with her combat prowess and ferocity, and deemed it a needed asset despite the objections of his wife. Indeed she would be regarded as a terrifying foe by the Primordials, but in time the war lost it's luster and glory, as it dragged on and on, she grew tired of killing, what once brought her joy was now a tiring act, the rivers red beauty seemed redundant and she had fought many a nemesis and many claiming vengeance, and all had fallen the same, all except Tenak'uan.   When exactly it happened was unknown, but it is known that she was among the first to support Karlk, in his efforts to cease the war and the slaughter it had become with the creation of the First Born. Some suspect she like many others, had simply grown tired of conflict, others say she had long been conspiring with the Primordials at this time, many in heaven suspected such.

Keeper of The Vault

For her efforts, she was made keeper of the forbidden, for much knowledge both great and terrible had been uncovered and learned during the long years, much of which had to sealed away, and as the Goddess of secrets, she knew all that which was kept from others. It was both an honor, and a curse, for she was to keep all that she was from the world, and in time they send her more and more dark knowledge, all that which was to become occult and cruel, all this was for her to keep, alone in her dark library would be made the Patron of the occult.  

The Outcast Moon

Eventually, as it seemed was inevitable, the peace so much was sacrificed for ended, and when it did she knew such terrible secrets, she saw the web of intrigue and she knew better than most, the lies of others, for her sister was close with few, but perhaps secrets. She refused to lift her claws and bare her fangs to the foe when Raziel called, for she was not part of the pact, and thus not obligated, she was cast from heaven, accursed. Thus she stroke out with the Primordial, and meet with the firstborn, who welcomed her with affection, for she was almost their sister after all, and they gave her the right to oversee their pacts with their mortal followers, for they deemed that unlike the gods, somebody had to ensure that oaths be kept.              



Mother & Protector

The Aspect of Lirika shows her compassion to those she considers downtrodden and all those who have no love in the world, those she seeks to protect and care for. She expects her followers to show compassion for those who no one else would give their love, and to live their own kin. To protect that which they care for, by whatever means they deem necessary. She guides the shunned of society and the oppressed, to better lives and to seek betterment in the world. This of course has made her a rather shunned god herself, for encouraging such social upheaval.  

Keeper of Secrets & The Forbidden

The aspect that Lirika is compelled to hoard and guard the dangerous secrets and forbidden lore of the world. It is the part of her that keeps all that which knows would endanger her children away from them. She too as some expectation that her children show restraint in their quest for knowledge, and acknowledge that some things are best kept in her Library.  

Pacts-Keeper & Warden of Promises

Lirika is the bloodied oath keeper, for she considers every pact a sacred thing, no matter what you promised, a contract written in blood is sacred and must be kept. To some extent this is why she rarely makes deals with or directly helps her worshipers, so influenced by blood contracts and wicked deals is her sphere that her deals often themselves hold a dark promise.  


To worship Lirika one should do so by moonlight, the fuller the moon the better, to light a candle or to say your prayer by a bowl of blood will draw her attention to you.   Worship of Lirka is often a secretive thing, as such her worship is often quite indirect, short personal prayers, the burning of red candles, and to exemplify her virtues, to help the poor of society, and so on.   However for those that seek her darker aspects one should do well to ensure a prayer on a full moon, and to have a sacrifice ready to seal your bargain, it is not known what she asks for those who want her secrets, but rarely do such tales end well.

To honor your god

The burning of red candles, moonlight sacrifices.   Write a personal secret on a paper and then burn it before the moon.

Myths & Stories

Though such things were not always so, once she was simply the god of the forbidden and hidden, she was the keeper of secret lore and places. She saves guards knowledge she deems too dangerous only handing it out sparsely, for reasons unknown, perhaps a reminder that her charge is a deadly one.

Divine Domains

Mercy, Compassion, Pacts, Promises, Protection, Secrets.

Holy Books & Codes

The Liber Tenebris, a rare piece of literature, and not much of a holy book, but it is one of the more "common" books written in her honor. It Details her laws, and many intricate rituals and summoning of the otherworldly.   Common ways of worship is to light a candle in the moonlight, and to give her prayers of thanks. Given her status their is no real prayers or phrases, and is as such rather free-form, usually in the form of a beseech for help, or instructions on a pact. It is best if the candle is made of red wax, and the fuller the moon, the closer she is.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Fullmoon, often depicted in red, though in symbols she is often represented by a silver disc with a tear in its center. Other iconography that is more Indistinguishable is a red sash, often worn by secret worshipers and or supports of fringe movements.

Tenets of Faith

Kindness to those less fortunate than you, will surly be rewarded. Compassion to those broken will see you mended. Oath will see you assured. To Trample those beneath you, will you fall. Cruelty to others will see the world scowl and leave you alone.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She seeks to aid the ousted of society, and seeks to ensure that contracts between the plains are held in accord. By Degree of the Estilbus, she hides knowledge deemed to dangerous for the mortal races.



Lover (Vital)

Towards Tenak'uan




Lover (Important)

Towards Lirika



Divine Classification
Accursed Celestial.
Parents (Adopting)
Tenak'uan (Lover)


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