BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Urban Hearted, Partron of Commererce, Lover of the Bold, Student of Oktavi. Feniké

Nexus Builder

Cities are by all accounts the beating hearts of trade, it is the nexus by which all trade intersects, and the goal of all trade routes at its end. Feniké saw this early on, she encouraged her followers to build upon the great routes, she motioned kings to funnel wealth and she bade the traders follow the veins of commerce, thus did the cities grow, thus the land prospers, and thus was she praised for providing life where once none could flourish. She freed them from the shackles of the seasons, she freed them from the cruelty of winter, for the beating heart of the city never ceases, and always do more traders bring back the wealth that keeps it beating.   By the nature of the city, by the nature of commerce does it attract a variety of people from other cities who bring novel ideas and behaviors. Feniké cares little for the difference in her followers, only that their prosperity grows, only that the cities hearts beat strong. She preaches that her children accept each other, she tells them of the need for co-existence among themselves, that they may build together, and grow together. It is a necessity for the extension of trade, the knowledge of new languages, and ways of life it is simple practicality, if not done for the sake of common love.   She adores & embrace those would take upon themselves the health of their community, to be wardens of her nexus, those who cast aside old ideals of bond & seek to make better lives for all of the nexus. Those who would defend it & shelter it's people from those who seek to sow rot & exploit the grinding wheels of cities for there is no greater threat to the great cities than those from within.  

Student of Oktavi

Like many gods before her, she was taught by the lover of well-keeper, for when trade was in it's infancy it was simple bartering. But as the mortals grew and grew, did it not show that it could not suffice? She could put prices and values on all objects by relativism, no prober trade was needed, a value, a standard for to follow. So she went to Oktavi for ideas, and he thought her Mathematics, and the sacrality of numbers, a way to put the world on paper with a precision unmatched, she thought this to her merchants, and she bid the kings mint the coins, she thought the fledgling civilizations ways to measure their wealth anew, though not all welcomed this new order, for they saw a leash.    

Goddess of Ventures

Feniké always encourages her followers to take on new ventures, to be bold, and not to be averse to risk management, she begs them to explore new options, to improve upon the old, and find new ways to make the heart beat faster or to bring back new goods to it. Therefore she was also seen by many as the goddess of industry, for it is surely the outgrowth of dense trade, something which rests upon its shoulders and something brought about to minimize cost and effectivize procedure. Though this has earned her the scorn of Parron, who sees her constant search for improvement as something which diminishes individual value, and the true passion of the craft.   She praises those who by virtue of intellect bring about change & invention, she encourages those who do not fear the coming change, but are willing to push it along, those who have no fear of the unknown but instead push boldly on, blazing a path for others to follow steadfastly.  



The Prosperous

Embodies the part of her which seeks to enrich her people, and to increase the wealth of her hearts, she seeks to aid her followers always, and those who pray to the aspect of the prosperous do so out of gratitude, they pray to thank her for her aid in trades and in construction. Kings give their thanks for her aid in consolidating their power via trade, by allowing their cities to bring all their subjects to them and to gather wealth.  

The Open Handed

Feniké as the goddess of the urban, is also goddess of acceptance & the warm embrace of the foreign, to learn & to teach to let others in and come into others life. She espouses that those who are not of blood can be so through cooperation, that by linking one's hands they can build themselves up to new heights.   She favours those who do honest work within her beating hearts, those would honestly toil for the betterment of the cities & themselves.    

The Wind Strider

  Fenike is by many also worshipped as the windstrider, as the wind which guides the ships of sky and sea, and she blesses those who venture upon such daring voyage, those that risk it all and those that allow her great works to florish, for without the trader wther on foot or in mighty ship, without movement without the great effort of the collective there would be no metropolis.   Those who are willing to risk all to further their aims please Feniké, it speaks of their spirit and their vigor, that she approves of, and she often aids such individuals. Many who embark upon dangerous ventures, both mercantile and adventures seeking to gain fame will pray to Feniké for her aid in their endeavors.    


Feneké will accept any prayer, but she does expect greater thanks from those who she has aided, such aid includes shows of wealth, to build new roads, expanding of infrastructure, starting a business and she appreciates the gesture of building her temple or shrine in places where she has none.


The First Lecture: Trade   Money is purely symbolic. It is definitely not good as food or fertilizer. It rarely functions as a sunshade, a tool, or a weapon, and is not good for starting fires. It is a symbol.   Symbols have distinct meaning only in context.   Context is determinate when it comes to symbols. A piece of colored cloth can be a national flag or a diaper, depending on the context. In the context of an emergency, it can be both.   Generally, money is a form of commercial encouragement, an inducement toward a desired behavior. You buy a cup of coffee from me several times, and I'll get in the habit of having it available for you.   This encouragement occurs on a large and small scale: Symbolic commercial encouragement can come in innumerable and different forms. Call it a wage, a purchase price, or even a tip.   Money is also used to discourage. Diminish someone’s pay as their workload increases.   Symbols gain their meaning in context. The same symbol does not always retain the same meaning. The act of offering a gold piece in payment for a glass wine can be an insult, a charm act, a joke or a paternal rebuke.   It’s an insult when you pay your host in his own house after he serves you breakfast. It’s an act of charm when you are a six-year-old and the dollar is gift-wrapped for a grandfather. It’s a joke when the boss brings coffee to the secretary and she hands him the dollar. It’s a paternal rebuke when a son rudely pays for his father’s dinner, and Dad hands the waiter a buck for his own after-dinner coffee. Symbol is context, it is language. The commercial context is the transaction.

Divine Domains

Commerce, Risk and Boldness, diversity, cities and mathematics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbol is wheel kept steady by weights.
Oh, Daughter of heaven, oh graceful mother of civilization, I am in doubt, before me is a chance, it promises great things, but I dare not, grant me clarity, grant me the vision to judge its clarity.
— Common Prayer
Divine Classification
I would be remiss if I did not share a great source of my inspiration was from Michael Phillips GODS OF COMMERCE, I suggest giving it a read yourself for a well written piece and amazing inspiration.


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