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Huntsband Raktok

Huntsband Raktok cycles between the northmarks and the Ostfjorn, dealing mainly deep wood creatures, werewolf, and the occasional drow scouts. Though they also have some experience hunting those of the Astragoths lineage , ever on the move the band has much work, as there are few huntbands in these regions, despite the amount of work that piles on top of them. Well, known trouble makers, they have an air of ease about few bands do, locals are quick to welcome them home for their efficiency, but also somewhat hateful in getting out again, for their love of drinking and merry-making has gotten somewhat of a reputation, the band has made a home for many offshoots of society, those with no other place to be, or those seeking the greatest thrills and Raktok is the man who has made such a team a well-oiled machine.   Amongst the rare candidates that have imbibed the rare elven tonics recently unearthed by  
Dossiar on Huntsband Raktok.     Raktok. Orc, Age 43, leader of huntsband Raktok served wit the Korholm Army for 15 years, before retiring and then joining up with the order. Often seen smoking or lounging the masses of a bar. Fights fast and brutally as his ilk is want to do, being on the aggressive to allow his band to get into position and secure the kill.   Nocto. Sinblood, Age 18, newest member of the huntsband, inexperienced teen, reason for membership unclear, well connected with the streets? Possibly the creatures natural stealth as a scout given his mark. Perhabs former tattoest given skills with ink.   Lennart. Aurela, age 32, older member of the party, reasonably experienced, versitile, fatalistic to some extend, not suicidal but not afraid of death. Well known to tag along with the rest of the band on whatever dubious activities they do. like most of his vagabond kin he has adapted rather quickly to the band, future integration of Aurela into such units pending approval.   Anton. Human, age 41, experienced knight of the order, unpopular amongst other knightages due to open critism of former commander, skilled swordsman, not a man to leave behind a wounded foe, as the highest confirmed kills amongst his peers.   Ragdan. Human, age 35, organized, dependable and well versed in the hunting litanies, by the numbers, prime candidate for headhunting. Somewhat of quatermaster for the band, possibly the sole reason band hasnt succombed to food poisening.   Halfdan. Ulhoir, age 25, unknown when or why he joined band, seemingly like most of his kin he seeks to earn glory for himself and Ur? non the less has proven a considerable member of the party, his natural size and bulk giving the party a decent chance to withstand a charge from some of the larger critties in the deep woods. Has taken considerable liking to blackpowder weapons provided to him, should be kept in mind for future recruiting efforts.   Otto. Human, age 45, veteran of the Eastern wars, quiete, withdrawn, excellent sharpshooter, "keeps the quarry on it's toe's with his long barrel, either they mind him or they have bullet in their brain caseing" Raktok's words. Otto has proven a dependable member of the band, and has been for a long time.   Hector. Human, age 19, cattleboy from the ostlands, has somewhat of an ego, issues with alchol, but has been deemed a dependable pistoler it would seem given his addition.   Gunnar. Human age 48. Veteran huntsmen, sticks to Otto and keeps the beast off him with more old fashioned weaponry. Gunnar is amongst the few members to be at true local.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Parent Organization


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